A.T.A: What would the community like us to do with this new feature? Whales from fcc clubs: Muah we want a kajillion billion mcs for being the best contributors to your business, thx. A.T.A: Durrrr okay.
Umm, I updated it like a couple days ago and it has no update button on play store and the leaderboard thing hasn't shown, please help.
This is horrible for your common players. The only ones who will succeed are the cc clubs that flash. So the only ones who benefit is ata from the cat sales and the people who poor money into the game.
Oh interesting; this could be fun, though I do agree with the people saying it’s unfair because of cat clubs etc.?at least there’s like 250 spots on the leaderboard haha there can’t possibly be that many cat clubs right.....
Hahah Lily there r many more ? u have just seen the b2b cc clubs & then after u see days cc clubs then some clubs who do premium parties alot but not cc club..so it almost many but yeah not 250
Hahaha that's true but that's where ata comes to say pay to get things ?mostly the top ones who do fcc will be on top & loyalty thing I like that maybe it shld be stuck with the people as people leave according to their need ..
It’s a great idea but not to fair. All the cat clubs are going to take the top spots and regular clubs don’t even have a chance
Same time, club loyalty to b2b cc clubs is really sad to see. Spending money on PIMD becomes an imperative (almost) for maintaining your social group. I've spoken to a few people whose friends are always like "come back and visit me at my club. We miss you" Gah if it didn't cost $5 to sit in some lame club with you for 4 days, I'd be happy to. "I don't feel like I should need to spend that much to keep our friendship" all things that people don't say. But I majorly support that idea, kitty.
How can a normal club compete to cc clubs???especially a club with members who can afford to spend cash like nothing to this game just to be on the top....ur new feature sucks!!!!ur making the game "pay to be at the top"!
Maybe separate the clubs like cat clubs and pizza bikini clubs together then all the others together. Cat clubs and pizza clubs tend to knock the regular ones down quickly. Just a idea ️
Last I checked I was playing pimd. I'm not in a koh anything because I don't play that game. I'm playing pimd and everything I say is based solely on that what I've seen in my years of playing this game not any other. Of course they are gonna be all ears in a game that's newly released, they were in pimd as well once upon a time. All I've seen in this game, the pimd game, is that of change based on how they can make more money. Every change they've implemented into pimd that was a positive contribution to the non spender has been removed. From the way drop rate is determined to the removal of super pro. So again, I'm just giving my view on that which is pimd not any other ata game that I don't play.