New Event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Chay, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. yo guys
  2. I've never heard of the brand SUMSANG. Hahaha. XD
  3. Wtf is a Sumsang? :|
  4. Last day to sign up
  5.  Crapple
  6. Op obviously means Samsung not sumsang
  7. 300k cs apple
  8. 180kcs
    Apple FTW 
  9. Count me in!
    Lcbc ?
  10. Samsung! 2mcs
  11. Apple
  12. ★ Apple User !

    Avikarz 1 MCs
  13. Apple user. Sign me up please
  14. This is so old
    Is dis shit even happening?
  15. hulk U mean did it ever happen