You're talking about mir becoming a hs that doesn't know about farming. This thread is about the new dorm rooms and upgrading, is it not? Your comment doesn't seem very ontopic. Anyways. How's your quest to open these room up going?
I keep asking you how your upgrading is going... How is that off topic? Anyways.. Ace. How is your upgrading going?
Pretty good mannnn. Some loser bought one of my tuts that was op by 100B. So I used that money to buy the dorms.
^ lol :lol: thou so Tony. So let's twist a post and count it as topic. Mr Topic police man. My upgrading will be done at some point. When are you gonna buy cats to upgrade in a b2b cc club Tony? Maybe you'll wait til lvls come out.
I'm actually gonna apply for mod in 6 months so I'm practicing. And nah. Why spend weeks getting 400b to BC again? I'm gonna wait and buy a few cats to use at infamous and buy a ton of notes to spam. Then do the same at bad... For a bigger tbh. Right now, my upgrading is pretty slow. But I'll get there