No promo for you cheapasses.. They want you to buy a cat and spend a week in b2b... Then next month, dorms 39,40... Maybe 500b 750b... Then level2? Another 4t .. Don't cri... Things could be worse.. It's like 90t for new levels on kaw.. 500 b is like dust compared to them
And of coz, all the ones asking for pvp promo.. Will never happen.. ATA just trying to discourage anyone who uses battle button vs cat people...they will NEVER EVER EVER EVER do anything to help ANYONE with anything Pvp related.. I wouldn't be surprised if they "adjust" pvp plunder -50% due to certain crybaby VIP cat junkies wah wah wah to them
Was fh vs #13 on VIP overall. ..Bc vs bc .. I believe 2-5m plunder increase? Thanks for the pvp increase ATA