New Announcement

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIIIlllIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlllllll, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. I'm the supreme overlord.
  2. Nah I'm the supreme ruler of PIMD. Jet boy is my right hand man
  3. I'm pretty sure ascension is spelled with one s. ?
  4. Lmao devil u didn't catch it
  5. Wallace u got to get past me first
  6.  Roy

    And no no it's Asstension 
  7. Kinda how rs are the retarded shits :)
  8. President of Pimd??????
  9. lol i thought rs meant racial slurs 
  10. People always have to say bs about RS. If you actually take the chance to sit and talk w these people you'll realise behind EVERY tag is a real person. They have opinions and thoughts just like you. They're genuinely nice people and like ALL people some you'll like and some you won't but I'm tired of the bs judgement that RS itself is like some horrible club spawned from Satan. Get a grip people. I can't speak for em all but the ones I do know are awesome kind and hilarious. Not a horn in sight.
  11. Jettzy u n00b everyone knows Courzy is the president 
  12.  What the hell is a friendly war?
  13. Haha these people have to see racial slurs. I'm sure I can top whatever pun has said, and guess what y'all would have to deal with it. Not a damn thing you guys would say or do that would make care.
  14. Leeeaavvveee Briiitneyy alooooone!!! :(
  15. Who made u president
  16. Fuck you all