New (and Familiar) Faces!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Already Waiting on Transaction

    Guys, I'm getting this message as I'm buying ECs. Need Help...
  2. Re: Already Waiting on Transaction

    Be sure to include the game you play,ie PIMD your In Game Name(IGN or Username) and the issue along with some screenshots if possible.
  3. Who on earth is Zelda?
  4. Pretty cool
  5. More Winston please! :lol:
  6. It been a mouth or longer we waten on the club roles still ant come out yet herry up plz
  7. Hey Grant.... so when are you gona put ATA in front of my name :)
  8. Winston was the best addition. Def a fave.
  9. ATA mark blocked me
  10. wonder why
  11. No updates?