Nevermind the darkness

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by TheCatLady, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Yay, you are too adorable and I am glad to have your presence returned πŸ’•
  2. I’m not Alicia…
  3. I think this is a rare time I agree with u
  4. I'm not trash, I'm a diamond, girl. Are you really still mad about me trolling you? That was lite trolling.

    If I add no homo after that first sentence, will I get silenced and is it safe to "post no homo" after posting something questionable people might assume suspect?
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  5. Yeah okay trash.
  6. I'm sorry my poems get your panties wet
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  7. Honestly, I never read them, never want to either.
  8. False. You read them and you want to read them. You just didn't know it was me.
  9. Nice of you to flatter yourself but I see you made a post and I vomit and close the app.