Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. I laughed
  2. Crystal looks like she isn't giving any effort lol

    But my first pokemon was Cyndaquil ?
  3. Squirtle

  4. You should spend your time on naruto instead.

    Edit: or star wars
  5. My first was Charmander. Still my favorite Pokemon of all time.
  6. Naruto is great.
  7. Kill yourself thanks

  8. Squirtle!
  9.  yes omg this is life in a picture ?
  10. Get bent nerd.
  11. Prof oak give you 3 choices I always start with charmander
  12. although DBZ is awesome is she was serious I'd question how y'all even got together
  13. same ?
  14. I actually went with bubbles the squirtle back on the day it came out. (Turtle hype) oddly enough i still actually have that very same blastoise now on oras.
  15. First Pokemon was Charmander on Pokemon Red back in 2003
  16. I love pikachu
  17. I've tried that method I mean he becomes beauty but take forever to evolve into his powerful state
  18. :( I could never catch Latias or Latios SMH
  19. Who can actually say they truthfully caught them all ?
  20. Depends on what you're talking about. ;)