I have opened over 11 timer boxes and 9 10 lite boxes, 6 hunt boxes and have gotten zero Roses. You should never make a dumb quest like this again. First I bought the EC mask with bento's, becuse I'm not dumb to put money into this game and then you're making me gift ec mask without telling me that this was going to happen so I didn't buy the mask in the first place when I don't want to spend money on this dumb money grabbing game. This is why you have a bad reviews on the Play Store and less people are playing the game.
ive got all my roses for free,, granted i dont have a lot,, but i have some,, its just a matter of luck,, you can get all the roses you need for free if you're patient enough.
Reposting: Neon Masquerade Story Pass FAQ Q. How long do we have to complete the quest? A. There is no time limit, it does not end at the end of this hunt, take as long as you need. Q. How do I get Rosa Neons? A. From any current or future hunt box (Lite, Timer, Ec). The roses will only show in boxes when you have the quest to collect them. They are not giftable. Q. What will happen if I get all the masks at once? A. Currently, we haven't seen any major issues so it will probably be fine. The items you collect / tasks you complete will count towards both story lines as long as you have that part active at the same time. Q. What's up with the September 24th date? A. The stories will not be available in the store after September 24th but they will still be available to gift. Q. How do I get the Black Lantern? A. There will be 1 Black Lantern at the end of the 1m questline and 2 more in the 99ec questline. These Black Lanterns will automatically combine with the Crystal Masks M/F to create your avatar. Check out the Story Tiers & Rewards thread for more information. Q. I bought 4 masks and only have 2 stories, what's up with that? A. Everyone starts off with the 1m m/f questline. The VIP questline will start immediately after the 1m questline ends. Q. I heard you need to gift a story pass as part of the VIP story, is that true? A. Yes, but you will be rewarded 100ec for doing so, ie. a full refund. Check out the Story Tiers & Rewards thread to see all the tasks and rewards.
I bought the 99 ec F mask this morning and it’s not showing up in my inventory or in the store that I own it but I lost the ecs for it. Has this happened to anyone else?
I've opened around 80 boxes got 2 roses, this doesn't include timers or lite boxes, not a very fair distribution of roses, for those of you that get them more frequently congrats, but I'm not spending anymore money on this quest with odds like this.
I personally haven’t received roses from boxes and well I’m not spending more on this ec quest. Lesson learned. Wait to see how other react first ✌🏼
My problem with the Rose's are they aren't even guaranteed from the ec boxes. I've probably opened 20 to 30 ec boxes, plus lite and timer and only have 5 Rose's 😓 and you need at least 160+ so far according to the guide It should be a chance in the free boxes but guaranteed from them ec boxes, because that's still a lot of boxes you have to open
Try reinstalling your app and clearing your app cache in your phone's settings. If those do not work, send ATA a help ticket.
It’s showing up in my showcase but the story isn’t showing up. Would the solution still be to reinstall?
Have you completed the $1M mask storyline yet? when you finish that one, there will be an option to continue the storyline using the VIP mask. if you haven't completed the $1M mask storyline yet, then you need to complete that first
1) ATA never specified that we would be forced to spend ecs by gifting the pass. (The option to gift the mask to start the story line was a smart move, though!) 2) The drop rates on these Rosas is the worst I've ever seen. Previous story passes were difficult and you had to spend ecs, but they were actually doable. In summary; this is just a 💸cash💸 grab scheme, folks! Good one, ATA. You got us!😂👌
Honestly, there is no time limit on the quest. The only reason you guys are opening ec boxes is because youre impatient. That isn't required. As for gifting the pass, you are literally rewarded with 100ecs after spending 99... so you didnt spend anything at all.