Neil and friends furniture and avatar matching contest 3

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, Dec 6, 2021.

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  1. I love you Latta, sorry Iā€™m very technologically challenged ą²„_ą²„
    SinisterDentist likes this.
  2. Harley and Jaws like this.
  3. Good luck everyone šŸ¦šŸ–¤
    Sephora and tweakitis like this.
  4. Time to enter has now passed good luck everyone I will now get with my judges and I'll post something as close to a week from now as I can thanks for doing an amazing job

    Ps requesting lock
    _Isa_, xSNOWx, LaraBoo and 2 others like this.

  5. Black magic [999 + plant]
    Grunge check [499 + chair]
    Retro sleek [desk]
    Living in a sin [bookshelf]
    Liminal [poster]
    Midnight tryst [above bed]
    Never after [bedside table]
    Neko Kissaten [above plant]
  6. [​IMG]
    I just wanted to sneak in as well :D Good luck to everyone!
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