Myth "Fulfillment": The Unfair Pass

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HearYourPlayers, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. Finally got a real reply... Maybe something will happen...
    Disaster likes this.
  2. Really? What did they tell you? If they access this thread, they can easily read up on all the issues people are reporting and the players that were affected by them, and they still have time to make things right. Really hoping something happens.
    Disaster and -BB like this.
  3. I hope they're doing something - im pretty selective of the passes i buy, and hearing all this stuff definitely deters me from considering future purchases.
  4. Not much, really. Lol But it was a longer response with more than a copy paste, so that's something. I replied and they haven't said anything back yet.
    Quantum, HearYourPlayers and Disaster like this.
  5. For now it's definitely best to stay away from them until ATA can assure they're bug free and fair and will handle issues regarding the story passes if they arise.
  6. Same! This was the first one I've purchased and the experience I've had with it doesn't make me want to buy any others. At this point I don't know if they'll do anything about it, but here's to hoping we can still get some sort of response.
    Quantum and HearYourPlayers like this.
  7. Yeah. I'm being mad ghosted by ATA.
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  8. Hah, they have time to change my name to this stupid thing just because it hurts their fragile f*cking ego, but don't have time to fix the issues with the pass. Awesome.
    Quantum likes this.
  9. You're lucky to get a chance to reply, they've just been autoclosing after the automated copy-paste. The pass worked fine, we can't verify the accuracy of player made guides, the whole bs. The glitches everyone experienced are all in your imagination guys, we are all crazy and this never happened, because ATA said so.
    -BB likes this.
  10. Yeah.... They have me on read. Lol They're never going to reply. All in our imagination.
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  11. They're trying so hard to let this get behind them....
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  12. Yes exactly! The cash choices counted too.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. ATA has said it did count. And said it didn't.
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  14. Almost same situation. Plus I bought pass day before buying expired(so December 30th) so I was already chasing all drops and tasks to manage to finish it before February 2nd and just when I finished all(2-3 days before it was gone) I didn't get true ending. I was so pissed then cause I've been stressing if I'll make it till the end for the last 2 weeks of it(couldn't go to sessions cause of school and would miss a lot of parties), so I even went to the session last week of it even tho I had horrible schedule. So when I saw that I really wanted to throw my phone because even if I bought that "restart" pass I couldn't reach 137k of blossoms and finish other tasks in 2-3 days left. Why did it have to have that time limit until when it will be available? Next time there is a pass like this I definitely won't be buying it if I can't get all rewards 😹
    HearYourPlayers and -BB like this.
  15. Tho yeah I haven't contacted them cause I was incredibly angry 😹
    HearYourPlayers and -BB like this.
  16. Definitely reach out to them though. The more people who report errors the more likely they are to actually look into it.
    -Stella-5 and HearYourPlayers like this.
  17. Another ticket closed with disregard. If help tickets weren't private, I would disclose mine just so you can see how polite and respectful I have been. I kindly asked them to review the pass, asked them to check this thread and check the real issues players have reported. They just keep replying that everything worked fine and whatever has been reported here is a lie. It's extremely disrespectful to the people who were affected. The whole glitch of clicking multiple times and "magically" getting the True Ending? Maybe all of us glitched and nobody knew about that glitch so we just gave up and didn't get rewards at all. But they are adamant in saying that it's non-existent.

    In the latest ticket they have basically replied that this pass "might have been confusing to new players haha sorry but we don't care". It's not "confusing to new players", ATA. Most people who had problems weren't even new. All of them paid money for a pass that didn't reward them. And I won't let it die, players will know about it and hopefully think twice before spending money on a game with terrible customer service. And I will keep reaching out, through every available channel. Give these players what they paid for.
    -BB likes this.
  18. The story pass came in and some of my friends said he got 3-4 cats from the story and also sent me the correct answers to story pass and I made my friend spend real cash and she brought story pass for me and I was hoping to get ava

    But in end all I got was couple of dns and an ava. I didnt get any cats

    When I said about this in help section then they said story pass is liike this to make things interesting and they said if wanna try again then redo it by buying 19ecs from store.

    So is it like ata just want to fool us and don't wish to give us the real rewards
    Mostly all of my friends got cats. Its just me and one of my friend who didnt get anything.

    Plz don't break our hearts
    It takes a lot to get real cash spent
    Disaster likes this.
  19. Make Things interesting.... Really.
    We already have enough “loot boxes” to make things interesting by spending money on them and taking a chance.
    We purchased story passes because If We do the tasks We receive guaranteed rewards especially the final avatar which most of us who had issues didn’t even get.

    I will not be getting any future story passes that have a chance to not earn what you thought your were getting.
    Disaster and HearYourPlayers like this.
  20. I was mad as well to see that a pass we paid for expirered. The neon mask (same theory) didnt expire and that made sense because we paid for the pass. These shard boxes are also getting annoying to. Pls bring back avatar bags.
    BritneySpears and Empress_ like this.