LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Myth Fulfillment: A Story Pass

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 29, 2019.

  1. IArtemish-UN-tHerPray and Muschi like this.
  2. Hey, that's not fair, my gf did all the good choices and didn't got the true ending, what is this?
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  3. Iā€™m at the 4th and I donā€™t have enough trust gem thing. so I bought the pomegranate and it hasnā€™t done anything to set it back...
    What do I do?
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  4. What about the first choice she ever made before she bought it? Ata rather deceptively chose to make the very first option (the one you can't go back on, or change and would have to restart the story pass no matter what) part of the pass. Which maybe people suspected. But I think it's wrong a $10 pass was set up to fail based off a choice that was free to do. The only things that should of set the pass up to fail is the choices made in the VIP version period. It should of been more clear from the start about the very first choice

    If she made all 3 choices correctly and she is sure of it, I would write into ATA's support ticket so they can check her account then.

    I do not recommend restarting the pass at this point unless you are prepared for over 140 cats minimum not counting the gem issues

    I hope ATA learns from this (I felt better about my support tickets i wrote in on the issue in hope that the next passes dont do this to people after being met with this disappointment and an unfixed pass)

    But I dont recommend passes at all anymore unless they remove these time limits. I kinda wished the restarts would have a time limit removal due to the issues with these passes. But unfortunately it's not the case at this point. Definitely extremely disappointing and I know how your RS feels for sure
  5. Did you make the choice to do the regular ending over the true ending? You have to click that prompt and it should start over. Otherwise, I suggest restarting the app
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  6. I hate that there is a time limit in this. Wish they would extend the time for this pass or they would do away with the time limit completely like they did in the past.
  7. Money thirsty apes. I bought the ec to play this story. Now I have to buy more ec to get the final skin because of a hidden mechanic. Thatā€™s predatory behavior ata.
  8. Never again getting a story pass like this. Why didn't they make it no time limit like the neon masquerade stories?

    ATA, you have failed. Yes, this is a pay-to-win story after you have already paid for a story pass. SMMFGDH
  9. Man, that explains all the issues people are having then. Thatā€™s such bs about the first choice, non-VIP shouldnā€™t impact VIP choices. What the hell šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
  10. I agree. I really tried to work with ata about it. But I feel like the logic is that we will just fix the next passes and to bad to the rest of us. I just wanted ATA to hear our concerns and make a change. I think as loyal players who spend we genuinely deserve it.

    It's been extremely hurtful this week seeing all my friends get my dream avatar. Despite all that, I still encouraged my friends to get there passes done as long as they had the right choices.

    If ata just made a change to this and make it unlimited, the wrongs could be made right. I dont think it's a big ask. I think they sold a fraudulent pass and justify it because we get 'some rewards'. But selling something doomed to fail before you buy the VIP is grossly inappropriate. But we are a few small voices and make the next passes correct doesn't fix the here and now

    And yes I'll admit it in forums. I cried when my pass failed. Because I had been so extremely excited since black Friday. I set myself up to succeed by getting through the pre-reqs. I never dreamed my first choice set me up to fail. And it was one of the biggest blows I've felt on this game. It's been extremely hard to bounce back and enjoy it now. And maybe if I cry over a game I'm way to invested. But I think it's normal to feel a certain way even over the small things in life.
  11. I think thereā€™s a lot of people including myself that would like an extension on this story pass.
    Pleam, HearYourPlayers, -BB and 8 others like this.
  12. I feel like I wasted EC on this, honestly. It was so short that you have to pay more in addition to the 100 EC already spent.
    Pleam, B2147, HearYourPlayers and 2 others like this.
  13. ATA, you should extend this pass...itā€™s one of the most expensive ainā€™t fair for the consumer...Iā€™ve tried all, Iā€™m bouncing back and forth from cc sesh to cc sesh...I havenā€™t slept well in weeks...please, please extend the deadline!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
    Pleam, B2147, HearYourPlayers and 2 others like this.
  14. The random drops you needed are what screwed me on finishing. I had plenty of time to finish the story until it took days on end for the dog and gems to drop.
    Pleam, Karmacita, B2147 and 2 others like this.
  15. So glad to see I'm not the only one who has had an awful time regarding this and encountered all the same issues. I don't think I'll ever get a story pass again with how things were handled with this one. Which is a shame. I really enjoyed the passes in the past and this one I actually wanted the avatar...
    Karmacita, B2147, AdalineRose and 2 others like this.
  16. Okay, so I'm a hundred percent sure that I chose all the right answers, even the free one, I checked the forum guide before picking every choice and picked the recommended. Still no true ending. What the hell, ATA? This is bs. Fix this pass.
  17. This was my first story pass I bought. I wonā€™t buy another.
  18. Same here. First time I actually spend on something in this game. I'm so disappointed and mad. It makes no sense that I didn't get the True Ending.
    B2147 and HearYourPlayers like this.
  19. Same here... ATA will argue back "we didn't reveal the right choices so there is no way for you to know if you picked right." That's the run around I've gotten on it.
    B2147, HearYourPlayers and Disaster like this.