My Sketch

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dinoroars, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. It's not hard to look at something like that and copy it. Very easy actually. Some people actually consider this tracing as well.
  2. The mouth looks cutier than the real thing
  3. I actually used to draw Dragonball Z characters for my little brother a few years back. I'd take stickers from his story book and I'd draw them for him on a full page. It's not as hard as it looks. Dare I say, my drawings were pretty badass. Just because it's good doesn't mean it was traced. Copied, of course. Traced? Nah.
  4. Yea im pretty good at copying too but sometimes it doesnt end up being perfect so i don't copy exactly and i just draw it in my own way? tracing is different cause u don't do anything kinda just like connect the dots nice jopo it'd be nice to see ur drawings 