My Sis wants to ask you this

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Its_Kelsey_Baby, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Code:
     betcha can't do this 
  2. It worked yay ~Johny~
  3. [URL=
  4. Its a nice name
  5. Emilie~ nice name btw how did u do that colour?
  6. Code:
     Bet i can  
  7. I like it. theres a girl in my year called emily who walks like a horse  but she is a really nice chick.
  8. [colour=rainbow] I wonder if this works. [/colour]
  9. [colour=red] STUPID THING. [/colour]
  10. Can't do double. 
  11. First time I tried this
  12. RAINBOWS!!!
  13. aww it didn't work :(

  14. w o n d e r l a n d
  15. ώ Θ ɴ ɖ ε ર ι Ꭿ ɴ ɖ

  16. boobies (insert serious face here)