My Sincere Apology 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *MilaBobby (01), Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I find that the funniest part of this, is all the little people. Sure Bobby has helped people grow at cost to himself, as many people in the same position do. But Bobby has also "hurt" people who have worked hard to get what they have, or used their own money to get it. As have many of us aswell.

    Sure you can judge a person on what good they do. But everybody has flaws. Some people are just so one eyed they can't see it 
  2. ...okay. I don't feel like such a stalker anymore. I mean, she knows ALL his accounts.... Just sayin. And that does seem a bit extreme....
  3. I see his flaws for I have partaken in the farmings, however, in most cases they have deserved the beating they received. Don't hate on the thread either hit him or move on :)
  4. Abyss. Farming are one thing. Strip farming are different. I'm not hanging shit on Bobby here. I'm hanging shit on people like you who think he is the almighty 
  5. Almighty? No king Wayne is all mighty, bobby is someone who can do as they please and be either feared or respected. Yea you talk crap to me and about him, but I don't see you taking a swing at him. Like him or not he is a badass with a heart of gold.
  6. Betts ... I don't care if my Alts are farmed ...... I simply just hit back not going to cry over it ....

    Yabba.... I recall strip farming one person on particular who deserved it and he did realize what he did was very wrong . I like you to give me other names of people I strip farmed ... ? I can only think of 2 .... Maybe there are others ?
  7. Yet again Bobby. You know who I am . Wasnt hanging shit. Just find it hilarious there are people saying that don't know you, but respect you and think your so nice.

    And abyss. Shoosh. I believe I've hit Bobby. And Bobby has hit me in the farm wars and in real wars. Hush now little boy.
  8. Yabba your last statement shows how little you truly know and how small of a person you are. Thank you for coming, stall 7 is now ready for you. Please clock in so we may count your time.
  9. How little I know? How small of a person I am? And how does it show that?

    And apologies Bobby. Forgot I transferred udid of my main/alt

    Lots of love
    Matt 

    P.s. Abyss. Shush now. You've said your piece. As have I. Smell ya later
  10. Before you leave I'd like you to know that it is "peace" and not "piece" you were doing so well. Night bud
  11. So you offer nothing. Hit an empty account you don't care about. Touch your other accounts and you'll hit back. Somehow your huge sacrifice appears empty and underwhelming. This thread isn't worth anymore of my time.
  12. ... weather these days..
  13. Clearly it is :)
  14. did suddenly get cold....
  15. Some people want revenge I offer them to farm my accounts

    But I also stepped up and apologized... But you don't have to accept. later betts
  16. No abyss you are wrong. It isn't "peace". If I had of used peace in that sentence I would be saying that we made peace etc etc

    In essence. Just in case you have trouble in comprehension, what that particular statement meant was:

    You have said what you wanted to say, I have said what I wanted to say. As such. We have said our piece into the discussion and argument. Therefore. It is "piece".

    Maybe you might not want to correct grammatical errors unless you are certain it is incorrect. Otherwise you just look like a fool
  17. That took you a long time to come up, now at least you feel smart for the night. I commend you on your hard work and research. However, I'm still not impressed. As I said before night bud :)
  18. Yabba : 1 Abyss : 0
  19. I didn't know it was a requirement to check forums every 30 seconds.

    And research? You really are stupid. Tomorrow when you go to school, ask your teacher to explain the difference. Both words have completely different meanings. Anybody with any knowledge about the English language should know that, clearly it's not your strong point.