Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Story, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. This isn’t even drama..... it’s two idiots pretending to fight over some dumb shît..... like.... wat¿
  2. Useless thread is useless.
  3. Guess she's a hoe
  4. Can’t relate to this thread ?
  5. Ew. This is childish
  6. There’s a lot of irrelevant threads..even childish and yet no one says anything about it.
  7. Ohh.. look at me.. I'm fancyyy
  8. A relationship isn’t a place for fear and intimidation ? can’t just use your relationship to “threaten“ your partner into something. Tbh if I was them I would have left that second......also Inb4lock
  9. Wtf it’s called a joke 
  10. ??? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ????

    ???? #?????????

    that like, broke my forums ? I donut suggest actually :lol:
  11. I threatened to leave my rs once and he left me(I was just joking...pls come back to me :()

    just kitten
  12. Ugh all rs do this ?
  13. Whats an rs?!
  14. Really stupid person
  15. Oh thankyou!! Totally makes sense now