'My Room' Feature

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ata]Mark, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. I have no idea how to get my room wth  opened 29 dorms but still doesn't exist huhh
  2. Look on your profile. It should have a big blue button that says "my room"
  3. y'all need hugs.
  4. I love you guys so much. Ahh. You actually want to fix your app when you know it has issues. This is why I still play PIMD. 
  5. I got silenced for 30 days  i didnt know that posting 3 times on wc is forbidden
  7. How do u gift items from ur dorm
  8. Giving us new furniture drop chances for every new story is good way, doesn't leave us without a chance of upgrading our dorms, thanks ata♡
  9. I would never be able to do that ?
  10. Along with hunt boxes, Do the furniture boxes give out the current hunts furniture items too ?
  11. Just an odd thought what if some of the things we have in show case could be nicknakes in the room?
  12. i just hope that theres a separate tab for all owned furniture items so that we wont have to tap everywhere to guess where it is
  13. Awesome!!
  14. My room is ugly like some of these people but u guys are alittle cute and boring
  15. I would care about the feature more if I could customize my room better without needing to wait for items from boxes or to spend money for EC to open boxes or spend money on EC for the furniture itself.

    The fact that people need to spend EC to customize it quicker was a real let down. The idea has potential.

    I wouldn't mind spending billions of pimd money on furniture, trillions ... no. Unless they are super amazing items with extra stat boost.
  16. Whatsupwoods
  17. Make it so the furniture is actually buyable?