My P.O.V on this game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *The_Name_Is_Jessica (01), Sep 23, 2012.

  1. No I don't have an alt
  2. So you are just as dumb.
  3. Bull ****
    BULL ****!
  4. CJS...

    Y U BE SO MEAN????
  5. This is me being nice.
    There's a filter here.
  6. If that's your opinion then you can think that
  7. Here, two straws.
    Suck it up.
  8. Then drink a cup of shut the fuck up!
  9. They don't sell them in wal-mart but you can have a cup 
  10. Okay :3 but what do I suck up?

    Is it a milkshake?!
  11. Your sense of humor sucks just as much as Brittany's too. That was freaking hilarious, let me tell you.
  12. I never said it was a joke nor was I trying to be humorous 
  13. Why is brittt even in this convo ? She didn't say anything ...js
  14. I will take that as a compliment