My complaint

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RoseMilkTea, Apr 7, 2019.

  1. Can you say that again i didn't quite catch that...
  2. Apparently it's too long now. Won't register or something
  3. Wow. Are you Sher's illegitimate lovechild?
  4. Can one really stutter their typing? ?
  5. I don't know who my dad is
  6. F... rip Sher
  7. When you love your mom too much.
  8. I'm sure you'll find him soon
  9. Omg I laughed so hard.
  11. So do you guys think Rice could be Sher’s illegitimate love child?
  12. Not a chance! I demand a DNA test
  14. Rose... you ARE the father
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  15. Yo like hop off im trying to bond with my mother
  16. O hi dad I'm ur son
  17. Rice are you having a breakdown?
  18. Rp in forums :?
  19. I think I'm a little sleep deprived