Wow yall are douches to DM hes just having fun on a game. Isnt that what games are for, is having fun? And yall try to ruin it and bring him down. Go die!! ALL OF U!!!
Ok, 311, two gallants, sigur ros, kid cudi, 80’s hair metal, dr dre, etc,I could go on forever on bands to make my mood happy, 311 just comes in first is that better Zalgo? :mrgreen: “Music’s what I need to keep my sanity” ~311
I listen to the same music to cheer myself up as I do if I want to keep myself upset. I like Tool, Opeth, Kamelot, Psyclon Nine. Usually I listen to them in some sort of meaningful combination depending on how I feel though. So if I feel sad, and Tool and Opeth isn't cutting it, I'd probably try to pump myself up by switching over to Psyclon Nine. Or if Psyclon Nine is too aggressive, I might switch off to Kamelot.
this game isn't for making rude comments on 99% of all threads you comment on. while that may be fun for him, it isnt acceptable behavior here. now unless you want to contribute what music you like, please leave the thread FordBoss, have a great day
Metal music for when I exercise ? Film scores when I want to be calm and be in a good mood. ?When I want to sing in the car I listen to old school music. ACDC, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Montley Crew, etc.
Go fuck urself bluntwitches ur just a lifeless douche taking away peoples fun. U dont deserve the mod privalege
? My expression is all in Wolf's post. Duuuude, Ford. Get out of here before Blunt smacks some sense into you.
Calm down. :| I believe you were told to leave the thread if you aren't going to be constructive. Either contribute something of worth or get out.
Wolf! Hit us with some genres then. My post wasn't all that truthful either, since It can vary between acoustic, metal, rock, and aggrotech.
I pick up music from various places. Movies, series, video games. I like acoustic versions of songs because you can hear their voice quality better. I really like jazz music. I'm the youngest in my family and my were parents born in the 50s so I've been exposed to 50s-70s coz of them and my siblings exposed me to 80s-90s music. I am not a fan of techno or rap or hardcore metal stuff but I make exceptions. I like certain songs in musicals. I like a bunch of indie music. I like Disney songs. And I listen to all of them randomly because I can be in a bad mood and want rock but I can also want slower music too. ? See what I mean?
I love bands like OneRepublic, Daughtry, The Script, The Fray, Lifehouse, Theory of a Deadman, etc.
When I'm down I listen to Radiohead mostly. Stuff that puts me in a better mood, hmm, The Velvet Underground, The Pixies, Sigur Ros, Coil, Aphex twin, Bjork, etc. I also love listening and singing my heart out to some musicals although I don't like to admit it