LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Muscle March! πŸ’ͺ🏼😎πŸ”₯

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. Wow didn't mean to quote zelda but whatevs
  2. lmfao u sound like a politician when they can't find anything else to come back with, so lame and shïtty 🀭
    Xanthus101, -May-, Twink and 21 others like this.
  3. people are not polite when they are angry and fxcked over, those are puppets
    -May-, Anjo, -bae and 6 others like this.
  4. It's crazy how much people will pay for a pixelated persona. πŸ˜‚ The whole vibe of this game is childish af, and ATA knows that, and they take full advantage of it. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ It's supposedly a college themed game, but most of the time it feels like grade school without any adult supervision. By that I mean that the "bigger kids" are basically given free reign to belittle, bully and take advantage of players MUCH smaller than them. I'm not crying, I'm complaining because the PvP function was MUCH MORE fair AND fun before. If you think I'm crying, well your stats are probably higher than mine. πŸ˜‚ Where's the challenge when someone 5 or 6 times your size can attack you and demand things from you in order to stop? Oh, wait... The challenge is to SPEND MORE MONEY, BUY MORE CATS, HIT MORE CC, and UG. Repeat.
    The whole air of making people feel pressured to have the BEST AVI is prominent. More petty bs. It's a race to see who can look the same! πŸ˜‚ Like I said, "grade school" crap. It's like "So and so got these cute new shoes and EVERYONE on campus is saying how cute they are! I MUST get a pair JUST LIKE them." πŸ˜‚. This game has become toxic AF in so many ways. Like, side quests that involve how many ECs you spend? Crowning the person who spent the most $ opening boxes during hunts? πŸ€”Also, MODS used to actually MODERATE. Now they just prance around pub like they're celebrities. I've seen some crazy sheeet go down here in forums, and on campus without any repercussions. I've also seen how they're selective and biased in their decisions to hand down "punishment", as well as those OP crates. You basically have to be a big spender/big stat player to have one. Tf are they awarded for? I've yet to see an account under 10MCs with one they haven't blown 40+ bentos on. ATA is so naive that they don't seem to see how easy they make it for their MODS to pad their stats with these things. Like, it isn't realistic that they've been "awarded" to alts, and then sold? MODS shouldn't have a plethora of these things tbh πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Maybe they should be awarded to MODS for actually doing their job. Now THAT would make them a rare commodity. I'd stand fast with #NoMoneyMarch, but I've already commited to a BBB. 😭 I made a promise to a friend that I'd let them +1, and unlike ATA, I don't let down people who've been loyal.
  5. Damn I remember how this game was 4 years back. It has become so ridiculously p2p nowadays
  6. Thank you, I really appreciate it. I just was so appalled that someone speaking on behalf of a company would speak like that. She tried to pull it off as cute, but it was honestly demeaning, and no one should be okay with that response. No one should be talked down to like that for speaking their mind. ATA is a company and they should honestly act like it
    nixi3, -May-, DoIIy and 25 others like this.
  7. Ok so I saw this^

    And my little light bulb goes off and I think β€œHey! They should put the loading screen & app icon avatars in there!” I mean those redesigned avatars that a lot of wish we could have.

    Y’know these beauties (for example):


    I would certainly put down some money for that Goth Girl Avatar (Def not $60 though)

    Molly’s Corner gets a revamp, & we get some exclusive avatar redesigns! Could be a win win at reasonable pricing.
    nixi3, LawrenceSmith, -May- and 24 others like this.
    ForeveR-DanK likes this.
  9. Bottom right are not redesigns; those are how the actual avis looked. But otherwise I agree with this.
    -May-, Rizky, Alicia and 1 other person like this.
  10. You guys realize the way you are responding is only proving that parts of the community are indeed childish? There's way to have conversations without name throwing, without sounding like we are throwing tantrums. Marcie did her best on what looks like might have been her own personal time to try and help the situation and give us some insight to what they were thinking. Is it normal for humans to be upset? Yes of course. But to sit here and swear at them and call them some of the names that have been thrown at them can be upsetting. Bullying a company into getting what the "community" wants is just as terrible as some of you guys saying Marcie is a bully for saying some members behaved childishly. If you didn't swear at her or the company, were polite within your criticism then you have no reason to worry. But some of us have been very childish. Demanding what you think the game needs is indeed childish and rather aggressive. Calling names is childish. Most of us are adults. Let's have an adult discussion. If you can't well then maybe this isn't the conversation for you.
    Muschi, -Arctic_Hottie-, Day and 3 others like this.
  11. Have you seen how the act in Campus Chat though? πŸ˜‚ They act like a bunch of teen-age girls who just got asked to prom by the high school quarterback. πŸ˜‚ They're a company, and they're faceless game developers. They're not Royalty or celebs. And people eat that shyt up when they post in campus! πŸ˜…
    Like, how much self respect do you have when you line someone's pockets and then kiss their ass for supplying a sub-par, over priced product? πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£ That's like buying the most expensive item in Dollar General, and then asking for the shift managers autograph. πŸ˜‚
    -May-, renamed17893, -bae and 6 others like this.
  12. My fav dev moment was when ATARogers came barreling into Wc with "FOLLOW ME ON IG, FOLLOW ME @ (his ig name)" violating the literal ToU, and then when people called him out for it, he's like "Oh well this is different,"
    ...k. πŸ˜‚
    Lea, Azure, nixi3 and 37 others like this.
  13. Seriously? That's a classic
    -May-, ForeveR-DanK, Prim and 10 others like this.
  14. The thing that strikes me as funny is how they (ATA) obviously read the forums. See how quick they came out of the shadows when someone started talking about #NoMoneyMarch? In fact, the thread with that title was quickly shut down. Seems strange how they get defensive, and show their true colors when people say they're not paying $60 for an avi. Yet, there's threads where they allow people to belittle and insult others by calling women "fat ugly c*nts" and what not and those threads and comments still exist. Shows how much they actually care about their players.
    Priorities. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
    -May-, RareFlower, Sev and 30 others like this.
  15. For those saying that we calling names and being angry is childish,
    Its bcs this isn't a suggestion anymore. That civil discussion has long pass since they changed the timer box, since they increased the drop for avi. And at that moment ATA ignored us.
    Now its a riot. ATA has crossed the line and we gonna make sure that they are hearing us this time. Bcs seems like the only thing that will catch their attention is either the insults or withholding money #nomoneymarch
  16. Being polite has only gotten the response "Submit a Help Ticket" and then wait 3 days for a generic response from a bot. Bullying ATA? Maybe some are. So, how different is it to do to them what they freely and carelessly allow others to do to their players? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
    If nothing changes then nothing changes. πŸ™Œ
  17. This mess just makes me sad now lol. I have always loved pimd so much but it's really very shallow without the community. I see #nomoneymarch on so many walls now lol, very interested in seeing atas next update
    -May-, RareFlower, Prim and 6 others like this.
  18. They’re kind of redesigned, but I was including them as an example.
    -May-, Muschi, Rizky and 1 other person like this.
  19. I was happy to see that Marcie responded until I saw that some of us were called childish and bitter. I’m assuming this is because many of us who are β€œchildish” and β€œbitter” are standing with #NoMoneyMarch. I then saw that some of us are even bullies because we said such words like β€œgreedy” or β€œmoney grabbing”. Now, I must admit, I am happy we finally got a response and although it was not the way I imagined it to be, it’s somewhat progress. However, we must also realize we should not easily forgive and forget. I’m leaving my two cents in to say this: Until I see a change, I will NOT spend my money. I am still going strong with #NoMoneyMarch and those who do not agree with the response we received should go along with this. Just because we received a response does not mean they are off the hook.
  20. Oh, was my stance in the matter unclear? Allow me to bump my previous replies.
    Yes, I defended ATAs choice to take time with their response in that post, but I have already giving my criticisms to the newest features; however, I chose to do so in a way that remained respectful of the company and it's employees. I must say, I actually even feel as though my excessive use of laughing emojis might be a tad over the top, but man did I laugh when I read of yet the newest development in PIMD. It was my honest reaction.

    What made my response "constructive criticism" was that I called for anyone who has positive feedback to also voice their opinions. Criticism that is constructive is one that considers all factors and breaks them down, and in a community as large as this one, there are certainly individuals who have positive things to say about the changes. To dismiss their opinions because of our discontent is both naive and wrong.
    Witchee, Muschi, Maddi_Matsu and 2 others like this.