Murderer in the Box 2

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *ChristianandBells (01), May 14, 2012.

  1. Bump!!!!!! Update Plz!!!
  2. Story Plot/Everybody's POV

    They all 3 stay asleep on the cold hard ground, there had been so many more people, but they are dead now...which one will survive? The room starts spinning, waking the 3 girls up and their screams boom throughout the spinning box. With the next blink of an eye the gray old box had turned into hell, literally. They each were standing on a rock pedestal and lava was bellow them, as were lost evil souls. It was exactly how the pictures were, hell was the worst place to be. All of them looked at each other with pure terror in their eyes, even Fan.

    "I think this is the end, I want u to kno that anything that happens, we all fight for the ones who were lost" Bella says shakily.

    Fan and Ali both nod their heads and looks straight ahead

    It seemed to be an obstacle course, their was swinging boulders, then a spider jump wall, a rope swing, and then moving rock pedestals and the finish line. This seemed to be tricky but then worse came to worse.....on the sides of the obstacles were our friends, eyes scratched out and bloody bodies were hung from the top of the cave.......the 3 of them looked around and shrieked for this would be where they died
  3. Story Plot

    The shrieks shook the rocky walls and little spikes fell from the top of hell, almost hitting them. The bodies held up signs and they lite up with numbers.....the final countdown....this was finally going to end....all the pain and torture this....this.....devil has brought onto us......we never knew why we were chosen.....maybe we never will.....but there was a reason alright, but that didn't matter, all that mattered was winning in the eyes of one competitor-












    They ran towards the first obstacle of the last race
  4. Fan POV

    I ran faster than Ali, but Bella seemed to always be one step ahead of me. But I made it to the wrecking balls and there were 5, each moving fast and all at different times, if one of them hit u, that was it game over. I looked over at Ali who was getting ready to make her way, Bella seemed to scared, hehe this will be easy, I move quickly past the first one and stand very still in between them...I take another step and make it....all was going smoothly, I looked over at Ali and didn't see her......then I look up and see her body hanging from the ceiling....bloody....soulless....eyes scratched out.....she had fallen and he had claimed her......I-I-i can't go on......
  5. Bump this mo fo!!! Lol
  6. Ahhh! This is so GOOD!!!! Bump! Update please
  8. Bella POV

    I can out beat Fan, she has gotten weaker now that Ali is gone..I have to win, no exceptions, this is going to be my victory, and the prize is...him....I must win, even if I have to take out another living soul, that is my job and I will finish it.

    I pass the boulders and head to the spider jump wall, all I have to do us jump between them and cross it. Seems easy enough, besides even if I do fall behind I can out run anyone, that's why they call me Bambi...
  9. Story Plot POV

    Bella climbs with great strategy and force, but Fan is not too far behind. She looks at Bella and instantly jumps.....she slips but catches the two walls right before she could have fallen into the pool of lost souls...

    Fan starts climbing, arms shaking, but still strong enough to go down with a fight

    Bella on the other hand seems to be slowing down, her face bright red and arms shaking a little

    They both make it out and run to the rope swing, Fan makes it first and jumps, lava spits up and hits her foot, the souls call her name while she lets out a whimper and let's go, falling onto the safety of the rocky pathway
  10. Story Plot POV

    Bella jumps as Fan stands up, they both r shaking and dizzy running to the moving rock pedestals, meanwhile there is lava spitting up into the air and bats flying above their heads, the heat is intense and singeing their arm and leg hairs. Their hearts r racing and they finally get to the rocky moving pedestals, they r placed above the lava 1000 feet in the air, moving

    This doesn't seem easy to do, but they must for they can see the finish line and a golden door, Fan is the first to jump and lands on the rock harshly but is able to stand up

    Bella jumps and lands on a different one and stands up......

    They make their way towards the middle and then the rocks stop moving....they spread into two halves, Bella on the side closest to the finish line and Fan across from her.....a screen descends from the ceiling of hell right behind Bella.....BELLA?!
  11. Story Plot POV (epic ending)


    She is standing up, eyes red, black dress, high heels, bright red lips, dark brown hair, it seems as if she was a she wasn't human, too perfect to be.....

    Fan stands up in shock and confused and the Gamer Screen turns on and Bella is smiling

    "Hello my dear Fan, enjoying my game?"

    Fan retorts "what the hell is going on here! Bella what r u!!!"

    She smiles "Doesn't matter"

    The Game Controller's voice "I think my Bells has done a mighty fine job of taking everyone out, and now she will finish you. Oh Fan, you were always my favorite (Bella grimaces) but so sad, you must die" the screen goes black and Bella jumps to a platform next to Fan

    "You B****, it was you the whole time wasn't it!!" fan says.

    "Well how about that, took ya long enough" Bella smiles and laughs.

    "You always looked so sure of urself, and u never cried or showed any emotion when someone died......oh my gawd.....those things.....those nightmares.....they were you!!!!"

    "Ding ding! We have a winner!!" Bella moves in on Fan "I'm sorry it has to end this way, but now you know that I was the Controller, and now you must die......"
  12. Omg bella if u kill my friend I will come after u jk jk