Fan and Maria POV We start going left, then straight and there's a dead end but with right and left still open, we look at each other and decide to go right. So far so good, however we reach another dead end with left and right still open, and there is a baby kitten just sitting their with big eyes. We can see the scarred look in its eyes, the cry for help. "Awwwwwww well arnt u a cutie pie!!!" Maria quickly goes to pick it up but is pulled back by the shirt by Fan. Fan shakes her head "There's something very wrong with could be have rabies for all we kno!" "B-b-but it's so cute!!! And look at those eyes!!!" Before she picks it up, the cat growls and it's eyes turn black. It jumps on Fan and scratches her face, ripping shreds off skin right off her face, but she manages to pry the cat off of her vulnerable face and throws it against the wall barrier. It lets out a whine and Maria is terrified. Yet they hear someone coming and get into a combat position, ready for anything. "Hey guys! It's so good to c someone else!" says Ali "Oh hey Ali, glad to c u too" Fan says and they come closer "So what happened to u? And have u found any clues?" "Ugh a demon cat that's what happened, and no, there's clues? Have u?" Ali hesitates "well I heard, haven't found one yet" she can feel her palms start to sweat and her cheeks burn. Yet they do not notice her lie. Ali hides behind her bac the axe in which she found on her journey here....The creepy voice booms throughout the sky "Just a little reminder, read clues carefully, and also, Maria, I hope u have the heart to survive"an evil snicker and then the speaker goes off. Ali and Fan look at Maria with wide eyes. Ali is trying to put the pieces together in her mind: (hmmm so it said Maria, an axe, a new partner, and the way he said heart.....)oh no, the way he said heart, the clues r all adding up.... The clue was in Maria's heart With this Ali is in pure shock and pure terror for she has to kill someone and rip out their heart to get a clue, literally.....
Bella and Tristan POV She pulls Tristan harder and runs like crazy(for her nickname her family/friends/boyfriend is Bambi) these zombies....their eyes.....they look familiar..... Tristan shouts while running perfectly aligned with Bella "Ok is it just me or do those zombies remind you of Linda and Jenny" That's it! "Oh my gawd, your right, I was trying to remember who they reminded me of! How did he do that!" "I don't know and I don't care, we just gotta take em out!" "hmmmmmm ok! I got a plan! When zombie's heads are decapitated they turn to dust, so we should turn around run right towards them and clothsline them!!!" "Wow partner, good cleaver thinking" We stop and look at each other and grab each other's wrists "on 3... 1 2 3!!! We dash perfectly together towards them and take out Linda first, her head comes right off, yet bruises our hands badly. We turn around and she jumps on Tristan's back and bites his neck, he tries pushing her off but she is too strong and bites flesh off his neck. He tells in pain "Bella!! Help me!!" Bella stares and then takes off where they were running and when she is about to turn the corner she looks back, seeing Jenny twist Tristan's neck......killing him......Bella's eyes twinkle and it seems to look like a little twitch at the corner of her mouth, but she takes off towards the Exit.......
Lol awwww thank u guys so much for commenting and reading it. It makes me feel so good u guys enjoy my tales lol thank u so much!! I'll update soon