Story Plot The world starts spinning again, yet we all lay on the dusty dirt road in tears after the death of our beloved friend Matt...the world seems to spin endlessly but it finally stops...yet we are not back to our box, we r in what seems to be.....a large LARGE maze...but everyone is split up into teams of 2 Bella and Tristan Tash and Zach Ali and Tanner Fan and Maria
Bella and Tristan POV We both stand up, Bella wiping her eyes carefully and Tristan looking around. We r on a pedestal that reminds me(Bella) of the one in the Hunger Games "Tristan, I think we aren't supposed to step off this, I think he will warn us." "Calm down....Bella right? What could happen?" "Yeah I'm Bella. And anything can happen idiot, we have already lost 3 people! And you'll probably explode!!" "Fine Ms. Prissy Pants." "Shut up." I roll my eyes thinking to myself: thank you for giving me a strong competitor, but y him?!
Tash and Zach POV We both stare at each other then he gets up and helps her up. They each look each other up and down and firmly shake hands "Well if you didn't know already, my names Tash. I dont give up on a fight too easily" She smiles. "Good to know partner hahaha. The names Zach, nice to meet you Tash. Interesting name." He smiles back and looks around. "Oh and I think we both will agree to not step off the platform" He laughs. "You read my mind" She nervously looks around and waits in silence for the voice
I love this story. It reminds me so much of the hunger games (in a good way) which is great cuz I love the hunger games
Ali and Tanner POV Tanner is still in shock after losing his best friend, but that just makes him more furious. But Ali grabs his arm firmly and keeps him put "Listen, I'm Ali. I know that his death struck you the hardest. But you have to keep a level head and think about winning, don't let the guy get inside your head, win it for not only you, but for matt as well" He just nods and mumbles "I'm Zach" he wipes his eyes and stares soullessly up at the dark area where the sky should be. Ali thinks to herself, well he ain't so bad, looks pretty buff and smart. Let's just hope he doesn't go psycho on me. She snickers to herself
Fan and Maria Fan looks at Maria then thinks to herself, really of all the people to put me with you put me with little princess wimpy girl?? Maria wipes her eyes and looks at fan "hey I know I might not be the strongest, but I won't let you down" she gives a slight smile and fan rolls get eyes, "I'm Maria." "Ok, I'm Fan." They could tell that even though they might not match strength and skill, somehow they would make it through this together...some awkward weird way out....
Story Plot POV There is a slight countdown on the screen, we all look at it then at each other and nod. The clock counts at 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 We all leap off our pedestals and look around
Bella and Tristan POV We both decide to run left and encounter an intersection and decide to head straight, there is a puzzle. It's like a sliding picture puzzle where you slide different parts of a picture to get what the picture actually looks like. Tristan immediately has it and starts sliding pieces into their proper positions. At last we have a picture of a fountain and an EXIT sign above it. It seems as if the EXIT has a fountain signaling the exit. We look at each other and nod then Bella grabs Tristan's hand and yanks him right, for when he looked behind them...2 zombies were making their way towards them....they looked very familiar....
Tash and Zach POV We run straight then take a left and come in contact with a wall, so back up and take a right and keep running, all of a sudden when we turn a corner we run to what seems to be a carnival game, a creepy skeleton clown pops up behind the counter "If you can hit these moving targets you will get your hint and proceed" he hands us darts and 3 rows pop up and tiny cut out ducks start moving in a repeating line. Tash looks at Zach and he smiles back at her and then aims Hit, miss, miss Zach says "Awh dang it, come on Tash it's up to you!" She waits thinking....there has to- wait I got it. She sets up to throw it at a duck then turns and throws it one I to the clowns heart, another into his temple region, and the last one in his neck. He drops to the ground dead and Zach looks at her and they high five. They hop over the stand and grab their clue and look at it....its directions....left, right, grab the axe, we have to kill Maria??
Ali and Tanner POV They run straight, left, and then a right. It seems like they have chosen the right ways, yet they stumble upon a dark shadow. It is facing away from them and is wearing a cape. "Uhhh hello?" The figure turns around and it's a girl, an older teen girl who is breath taking. They both can't help but stare, yet they immidantly step bac when the girl takes a step towards them. "Hello," she says in a very soothing yet spine tingling voice "I don't want to hurt you, only wanna stay as beautiful as I am" Zach stops and smiles and as much as Ali tugs on his arm, she can't get him to move. The girl and him lock stares and she reached him, caressing his face with a pale perfect hand, she smiles then pulls him close and kisses him. However this is no regular kiss, just like her looks they r breath taking. Zach can't stop and Ali can see him start to go pale and losing his strength. The girl is sucking out his life. Ali runs to them and pushes the girl off but the girl snaps Zach's neck and wipes her mouth.....for Ali was too late, Zach looked as if there was no one inside that body, just a hallow shell... The girl is gone but there is a paper on the ground, she picks it up and reads the fine print. It's written in impeccable cursive "you have lost your partner, but may encounter another, stay with them and take a right, let's pray you stay alive".....huh? She continues going straight