more relatable avatars

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by _AnnaWintour_, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Deep. Maybe a better concept would be "androgynous". Even LGBT community embraces it.
    And yes, zero human beings 100% conform any gender stereotype simply because any stereotype is an abstraction. Individuals are far more complex than any stereotype, be it about ethnicity, social class, sexual identity and orientation, etc.
  2. Yeah I feel like androgynous is a good way to describe that someone doesn’t look like one specific gender. The thing with gender is... how could it in itself be anything but stereotype? Like, is a woman no longer a woman if she doesn’t fit into what society wants women to be?

    ETA: gender stereotypes is the same as gender roles, right? And what is left of gender if you remove gender roles from the equation?
  3. I'll give you that no minority like to be involved, but how else are we going to give examples? I didn't say names, out give it personal info, I'm simply telling you what I leaned from them- not using them to prove a point.

    Any the "all I'm saying is...."
    Really? Cause, I didn't see you saying any of that anywhere. All I saw was you telling me I was wrong without giving any back up or information.

    Next time, give me more than salt that I can return pls thx.
  4. Btws I'm done now. I got things to do tonight. Thanks for the good times though, had fun.
  5. I feel like what we can ethically use to back up our arguments is evidence and testimonies of our own experiences. A lot of well-meaning people refer to a minority friend to either prove their good intentions or their knowledge about the subject, even in cases where they don’t really have adequate knowledge. I used to do this until I was called out. Now, if I’m trying to advocate for my friends, I make sure I put in the work to study and fully understand so I don’t accidentally misrepresent and/or fuck anyone over.

    Yes you’re right. I’m sorry. I assumed that you had knowledge of the phenomenon I was referring to, I should’ve been clearer.
  6. That’s nice
  7. ATA has come along way from when they first started this game. It's a lot more diverse, but you have to be on during the months to catch it. They had a whole pride month with gift items that represented different genders/sexes/etc

    They have had one pair of disabled avatars. I fight for this part of diversity that I havent seen a lot of yet

    Overall, I am actually proud of where this game is going. Inclusivity is the key along with diversity. If you agree, or not. That's why opinions matter

    My suggestion is when avatar contests come up. You should submit a design. This mod contest can be as diverse as you want to make your designs