More Gold Passes

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Belle, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. Pssh, least I know how to send a message to someone
  2. Your words are ugly so no support :(
  3. wow :( so mean.
  4. I’m just out here tryna live my best life ya feel?
  5. Wow he's mean af
  6. Let me be a part of that life. I'll make it better and I'll start with teaching you how to be nicer
  7. HEY RUDE I didn’t say such hate speech
  8. Sure you did. I saw it with my own eyes
  9. i have a witness.
  10. The best witness you'll ever have
  11. Teach me to be nicer? That’s a first. Teach me your ways
  12. Two words here: Russian collusion
  13. I would if you would learn to find my PMs first
  14. I will need to find the pms tbh
  15. Smh its not that hard
  16. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t tho
  17. Its only hard for you. We're gonna fight
  18. Fight? Now I don’t wanna find them :(
  19. We're gonna fight if you don't find them though, so