Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *ItsBriannaBabyy (01), Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Bri I'm not saying your not gonna be a mod, but like everyone also knows that A LOT of people apply to be a mod Even noobs Just do your best helping everyone. And don't make a thread about that u want to be a mod, you will be chosen when the developers need you or need someone new to help the community

  2. Brian - I respect those deserving of respect.

    Now return your impudent self to the royal fields and pick some potatoes
  3. :lol: you wanna be a mod ???? Didn't you start a thread asking how to be a mod? That thread shows you aren't active enough to be a mod.
  4. No, actually my niece did. She's been stealing my ipod. She also screwed up my stats. If y'all were mature, you wouldnt be trying to bring someone down to your own level.
  5. Brian - please leave this thread ...
  6. Sorry, but i dunno a Brian.
  7.  wayne your so funny. This is a fail thread @ brian
  8. I don't get why people take advice from people about how to become a mod from people who aren't mods themselves
  9. This entire post was my niece, I promise. I only said my name isn't Brian. My name is Brianna! My username is its.brianna.babyy! I got on to her it's okaay. She won't be getting on again. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and she didn't report anyone.
  10. We love you Brian 
  11. She cant be a mod she said Y'all 
  12. She won't be mod Warriors next in line And she doesn't seem to really help anyone like most people who apply do
  13. FPS - no one is next in line.
  14. I dont care. I didn't even make these.
  15. That's not what the Devs told me Rose 