Ign: SECRETLY_ALMIGHTYKIMANI Stats:185mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020
Ign: -_IlIJIluvsPsYcH0-KiTTyZlIlI_- Stats: 46.7mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020
Ign: iRJ_inT0xlCAted_with_doPAminE_ Stats:58 mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020
Ign:_--_xX__TONY__Xx_--_ Stats:68.2mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020
@_-Emo_FloNeedsRehabWithNico-_ @_-HeIIion-_ClippedWingsMoreau @_Heartshapedbox_08 @_ImChillin_WhO__tF__aRe__yOu__ @_Saebeorht_ @_Thalassophile_ @_War-Prince-_-Naughty-Jeffy_ @-CloudBee- @-CnC_IIIlllllllIIIIllllllllll- @-Gia_Gotti- @-iHannahTheDaintyDamsel- @-InSaNe- @-Lu @-MoB-iSpicyGotACheekyTastyBite @-MrsSmash_De_Saison- @-PEZZY- @-Smoove- @-TequilaSunrise- @-TragicallySaltyGoddess- @9 @A @AiHoe @Amor @AngelicAussie @Babo @BelacanCencaluk @BlowMei- @Bluerooose @Bubulicious @BugsBunny @CalIKaylaMaybe @Charger @ClosetRockstar @Consetta @cUpCaKeKiLLeR @Dar @darren_antolin @DrDaddyDom @DrSarahMoreau @Elley @Eran @Erica @FlaMeoN @FlareyBrokeAF @Ghost @Glitch @iHerLollipop_N_IDC @iHisCupCake_N_IDC @IIIllllIIIIKRAZYIIIIllllIII @IMelMeltInYourMouth @ImTheDevilInHerAngelEyes @Innocent_Keif @IT-EC-INDIAN @iZoey @Jhasanity @Jiggy @Kaneki @KissMe_ImHirish @KrazyHoe @l__MyMiddleFingerSalutesYou__I @Lars_Kliesen @lIl-ToySoldier-III @Mark @MarveI_DC @MAXIMUS-Az @MAXlMUS-R @MAXlMUS-Y @Meticulous @Michelle-KiLIing_You_4_Fun @MONU @MS-CREAMCHEESE @Nizsa_DeadlyPoisonousTarantula @NoorMoreau @Nusa @Pearl @PewDiePie @PF-Lala @shevuggy @Shingo @SinisterKlaus @sLathi @SlyFox @THE_ARROW @Tian @Tita @Tobias @Topsylog @Trav @Ur_Majesty_unforgettable_Aponi @Vindex @Weak @WhoIsHerSugarDaddy @WhoIsKeithy @Zaac @Ziaa
@_-Emo_God-_ @_Violent-Femme_ @-AngelicPhoenix- @-CharlieB- @-CIoudBee- @-JeTaime- @-Lilacsky- @-OHANA_Ney- @1-800-HIS-LOSS @Acidosis @AeIin @AnahiBeCreepinOnYourWindow @Andromeda @Annabugg @CallMeAnna @CanadianBacon @CheesecakeGoddess @Chin @Clemsey @Crushed @Day @DirtyTalk @DramaReine @Emhoe @EndlessLove @Ephemeral @Evil_Queen @EvilHunter @Fay @Fon-Fon @Gentlefolk @Grahams @HaBaek @I_Am_Your_SoulMate @iBabaYaga_hauntsU_2night @iBethanyBangWallDiezxc_N_IDC @iCherryGoBumpInTheNight @iFishy @iGizmo @iHoneyTheNaughtyBee @iKC @iKieraTheKinkyKitty @iLathi @iMatt-Jenns-Unruly_N_IDC @iMel-low_N_IDC @Impulsive @iNatalia @Irawr @iSiva_N_IDC @Ivy @Javi @Jewel @JudgeHeroin @KadyCatfisher_N_IDC @Kayn-KiLIing_You_4_Fun @Kyu @Leo @Libra @Lindisima @Lira @LittIeRed @MAXlMUS-P @MAXlMUS-Z @Muschi @Nate @Neru @Nikkiemarie @Perseus @Plague_Rose @Prototype @RAHI @Rainha @RedDidIt @RlVER @RoyaI @Rvby @SadeekMoreau @Sansa @SarcasticNat @Sersha @Sez @Shinazugawa @silversabre @Snack @Snax @Styci @tanu25 @UnholyCherubAngela @WICKED_SHANA-OL @WreckitPac @Xenomorph_XX121 @xMickeyBandz @Yash @Yori @ZainMohammad
@__-iD34dLyJ3m1L-__ @_-_JackiesfavHoe_-_ @_-_Superhoe_-_ @_-Emo_Diabolic_Elly-_ @_-SweetieberrySmoothie-_ @_ImTan_WhO_tF_aRe_yOu__ @-_A_-JackSkellington @-_A_-uspicious @-CnC_KrisMyAss- @-MoB-P5-IllIllILorentIllIllI- @-MW_CAPT4IN- @-REHAB- @-Toretto- @-Wh0LetTheD0GS-Out @-MoB-FullerGirl @Ade @Alaska @AngelaizDaBestPup @AverageWhiteGuy @Bowsette @CaptainCatfisher @Cute_Annastacia @Dhrutijlogy @Dollface @Elisse @ePub @F-_A_-ITH @FollowThat @ForeverNoob @go_big_magic_mime @iAsteRhaiFOREVER @iBabeAmHisBeauty @iDaddy @iDahlia @iDevilishAmWaitingForHerTrick @IH--Daphkej--IH @IH--King_Of-The_Damned--IH @iRJ_inT0xlCAted_with_doPAminE_ @iROSIEHisWarGoddess_N_IDC @ISpy_plain-CrAzEd @iTANKHerWarGod_N_IDC @Jatin @Jojo-bananas @Kefo @KF-Tinkbell @KingCholo @KingIan @Kobe @Koshka @llIl_bloody-book-killer_llIl @LlLlLDespedida_HermosaLlLlL @lOIoIoI0l-RealTaIk-lOloIoI0l @LuciferMorningstar @MAXIMUS-T @MAXlMUS-C @MAXlMUS-E @MAXlMUS-G @MAXlMUS-S @MetMan420 @MrBunBunLovesHisNurse @N0TTIE @NeverUnderestimateMe @O1meIody @OranjeHaze_Bondurant @OTE_Alice @P5-Jade_BonduRant @PERCEPTIVITY @Phan @Rehab_MrGemini @RICO_DADDY @Riley @Sabring @Sexy @SH4NKY @SHUBB @Sid @Sir @Snob @Stevie @Stranger @SugarBabyyy @THE_ARR0W @Toilsome @UFO @War-Cutie-_-Naughty-Dreams @War-Princess-_-Naughty-Anika @White_Walker @WICKED_VAMPIRE @WlCKED_CLOVER @WlCKED_SlXAPPEAL @Xeliana @xIncarcerousBandz @xLathi @xMaris @Zaara
IGN: Mina Stats: 58.8Mcs (Strength 29.3Mcs / Intel 29.3Mcs) I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020. Add me to da last hope list 😔✊🏻
@__NoX__ @_-Emo_NicoNeedsRehabWithFlo-_ @_Nocturnal_ @_Pristine_ @-G_NightMareWithPantsOff_G- @-InSaNe_GoDdEsS- @-llIIII-Tommy-Shelby-lIllIl- @-Maharlika- @-Mei- @-OHANA_Wolf- @-Velveeta_ @0MlN0U5 @8_8The_Healer8_8 @AlphaLunaQueen @Baphomet @Blakely @ButterflyBeany @celoso @CrocItLikeItsHot @DaddyDoritoMoreau @dangerhighvoltage @Daytime @Death_By_SnuSnu @Deuta @DreamGlrl @drone @Eiza @ElaineMoreau @Emarosa @GalliButSpooky @gilljatt @Guapa @Guapo @Handcuffed @HL-Hera @Hoeshimi @Hritik @IGeeTheWarNuclearWeapon_N_IDC @iHeidiAmThirstyForHisTreat @III-Mahamudul-III @iKiMOCHi @IllIlIIlIlllIPolS0NIlIIllIllII @ImLouMfers @iMoan @iSALSAL @Jardy13 @Jasmine_Valeska @Jellie @Jezzyca @JudgeKaz @JudgeLaXXXtentacion @Julie @Karma-KiLIing_You_4_Fun @KingMother- @KingPrickJames @KingSher @KoalaTKush @Lhei @Lily @LittleWolf @Lustrous @MAXlMUS-Q @Meanie @Mello @Miksza @MK @Mr-Whiskey @Nicoolest @No @NobleLord_00 @Oopsgottablast @OTE_Jossie @P5-Velmay-Doo @Perplexed @Pobrecita @RagnarLothbrok @Ronin @Socially-Relevant @SoIitude @Spanked @SpookyBaddie @SUHxSATAN @The_DarkAngel_of_Carnage @ThirstyForRedruM @thotopuss @TweetyDee @UnicornQK @Venom_Fate @War-Knight-_-Naughty-Cactus @WICKED_SlREN @x-Undead-Tori-x @Xanaxity @Xandrene @Xrjain942 @YJ
I did as you asked as soon as I found out about name changes being required. And now I find out I’m disqualified even though I followed the steps? So why oh why would you make a decision that retroactively affects those who did follow up? Those who didn’t follow up should be the ones to lose their spot; not the ones who actually responded.
IGN: RocketMan Stats: 157mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020. Maybe I can snag a spot 🌚
Ign: Shawn_HerSeduced_Bear Stats: 31.1mcs I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020