[MOD CRATE WAR] Seniors vs Freshmen

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -AKUDOU-, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. Please follow the format above. Thank you!
  2. Despite our reminders, we found quite a few players who still changed their IGN. So with this, we are REPLACING anyone who changed their IGN from the moment the rosters came out. We would rather give chances to those who follow the announcements we made.
    Meanie, Muschi, SinisterSiren and 4 others like this.
  3. Bumping this for convenience
  4. I’ll join
  5. I’ll joinn
  6. Your post will be ignored unless you post in the proper format given, as stated in OP.
    Meanie and QUINN like this.
  7. Please read the minimum requirement for this war and post #767 for how to sign-up properly thanks
  8. I also want to make things clear regarding the roster that is handed around in third party app could be the roster with errors as posted with an apology last 24hrs ago, please do not use those Roster only to ask why your name isn't in forum roster. The forum roster is always the official and updated one. Thank you
    Muschi and QUINN like this.
  9. Will you be updating the roster for this or was it already updated again?
  10. Yes it has been if you look at Post #1 is the official roster
  11. How were these Rosters made? I feel like they are pretty unbalanced..🙊 I think I see 7 VIPs on our oppo. Is it meant to be this way?
    QUINN likes this.
  12. We have done our best to balance the roster as closely as possible and seeing that to accommodate everyone at this point we even had to do 4 clubs doing 2 wars at a time to ensure most will get the opportunity. However due to the lack of 1-4 years badged VIPs signing up in the war, it's merely impossible to do so hence there won't be a war happening if we do that. I hope the answer is of Satisfaction but feel free to add me if needed. Thanks.
    Muschi, HaBaek and QUINN like this.
  13. Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification :)
  14. Sing me up please 100mcs
    Stats :100mcs (str:72.6 / int:27.3)
    I have read all the rules and agree to all rules states
    QUINN likes this.
  16. Dang it 🥺 name change...if by any luck of the rabbit foot, add me if room becomes available...

    New IGN: EnchantingBunny
  17. Add me to waitlist please

    IGN: ScareBear
    STATS: 117mcs

    I have read and agree to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
    QUINN likes this.
  18. Add me to waitlist please
    I have real all the rules and agree to rules terms for mod war
    QUINN likes this.
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF War 2020
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