[MOD CRATE WAR] Seniors vs Freshmen

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -AKUDOU-, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. IGN:-CnC_IIIlllllllIIIIllllllllll-
    Stats: 156 mcs ( 21.9m str /8.18m intel)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
  2. I just found out about this how do I sign up? Am I too late or is there a back up list?
  3. IGN: I_Bite
    30.1Mcs (21.073 strength 9.049 intel)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
  4. Good luck with war!
    Ik I'm not in roasters even though I have posted it clearly in format. I can see players who signed up after me with same stats are in roasters. Cheers mods✌️ Nice way to give away mod crates to your friends.
    _RICHIE_ likes this.
  5. IGN: Lemonade
    Stats: 30.6mcs(20.2str/10.3int)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated on the SF 2020
    Hoping for a hope list:)
    QUINN likes this.
  6. They explained already why 😅 they also said they're only getting 380 players, and there's a lot more newer players than old so it's harder to match. 😅 also, I'm sure you're still in the waitlist.
    Meanie, Muschi and Sansa like this.
  7. Hi! I wonder why I was removed on the final roster, I was there on the first. Hehe. Anyway, good luck to everyone!
  8. Uhm question. I was one of the first maybe 20 or so to sign up and on the first set of lists but now I don’t see my name at all?
  9. Why am I removed on the roster? 🙈🙈 and why are their people on 2 rosters? 😩😩
    QUINN likes this.
  11. Hi mods 👋 my name is repeated twice but my rs's name is taken off 😅
  12. We are aware of that, isn't your rs in team alpha?
  13. I would like to apply for last hope list if it's not too late for it,

    My IGN:

    " IT-EC-INDIAN "

    If possible please let me in war 🙏 thank you very much
    ✌let's hope for best
    Stats : 42.6mcs (str : 33.5 mcs / int: 9.1mcs)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
    For the hope list pls include me.
    -AKUDOU- likes this.
  15. I would like to apply for war for last hope list
    IGN : lthorn-willpokeurnfs
    Stats: 32.3mcs (str:21mcs/inti:11.3mcs)
    I have read agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
  16. Where is my name?☹️☹️when I sing up at first day...that's not fair
  17. 🥺Whers My Anika🥺
    🥺Ohh noooo.. where is my Anika. Feel so lost without her
  18. IGN: -_A_-MarkyMark
    Really have no idea how to do this but I’d like to be a fill-in if someone doesn’t show.
    i am a 38MCS intel build and I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
  19. Kuyaaaaaaaaa, you and Ate is on different teams. Ate is in Senior Beta team
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