Mod Crate Contest: Valentines Cards

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Belle, Jan 29, 2021.

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  1. :)👌
    Brenley5 likes this.
  2. perfection.
  3. Oh yay I am going to work on this tonight!! I have til tomorrow at least/latest right? I hope!? Lol I entered the sugar cookie contest and did the flagrant flirtations and alexa flag cookies and I wasn't rlly going to enter this at first but everyone's entries look like they had fun lol and I'm all about fun! Good luck everyone and wish me luck also lol! Congrats again btw to the sugar cookie winners 💝
  4. I love ur quote and how you picked a random cute stat u like! Adorable!
    Deuta likes this.
  5. That drawing is on point tho and I love this this EVERYTHING lol I hope I get this stat soon too!
    SavageBite likes this.
  7. This is my art entry!
    My art contest entries have never really been about winning(although it is nice), but it's always been about expanding our minds on who disabled people are. I combined that with some inspiration on what love means to me. Which isn't really about romance, but I do believe in deeply bonded friendship.
    Most people know I'm disabled myself especially with my ongoing hand problems. But I'm really glad I showed up and that my beautiful and wonderful friends really propelled me forward to enter.

    Just for fun, wall me if you know which two avatars I chose in my drawing ;)

    Atlas, Muschi, Jessy and 4 others like this.
  8. [You can't post gallery links. You click the gallery then click the photo's individually]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Muschi, Cinnabun, Jessy and 6 others like this.
  9. 👀🙊 oh thanks❣ TvT
  10. [​IMG]

    > :0 I got it !!


    🤺someone pls delete my previous posts. Ahhhhhh!
    Atlas, Muschi, Jessy and 7 others like this.
  11. Is it allowed to submit more than one work???
    G00DNESS likes this.
  12. [​IMG]

  14. I think you can upload more than 1 work, but you can only win once.
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Hummm, I think youre right, thanks
    HeartOfGlass likes this.
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