Moar Club Role Slots!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Jean, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. Support!

    Next thing maybe have more then 100 member per club? ? like 200 members? Or 150?
  2. Omf I was happy coz I bort almost all the spots now u add more. U killing me 
  3. Exactly! Lmao there needs to be more room in everyone's fancy smanchy rp club
  4. Yes! And cuatomizable ranks.
  5. that a problem?
  6. Support both the customizable powers and the increase of max club members
  7. I’ve been asking for the last two years to get clubs increased from 100 to 110/120 members personal I think this would be a great improvement for the game this way low stat players wouldn’t have to be kicked because of a party in danger to make way for LBH mercs those extra spots could be kept for exactly that LBH
  8. Oooozzzz ? TY
  9. Highlander reference.....nice . "There can be only one".
  10. Y’all should’ve BEENT did this
  11. Being a vice isn’t even special anymore
  12. But the max number of members is still 100?
  13. this. pls.
  14. what can I be
  15. I thought there would be a changes in prices too.. JK.
  16. Sooooo... 80% of a club could have a role.
    Nobody is special. Everyone is a club admin now. 

    Forreal, saw someone post about it. Customised roles. Would. Be. Amazing.