I agree, these items add no stat bonus; and their only value is 'showcase' value. Unless the item can be gifted, there's no point in people having the same item twice. It also decreases your chance of getting an item if everyone doing the party has the sane shot of getting an item whether they have it or not. So that's not an improvement, if anything it makes things worse. On the other hand, adding the ability to gift them also means people who have the ability of duplicating items will try to sell them for unobtainable amounts. Which means that unless you have billions you're probably not going to be able to get the items anyway. In my opinion all we needed was a higher drop rate. But by making it possible for people who already have the item to get it again, you've actually defeated the purpose of giving us a higher drop rate and may have made things worse.
Damn who cares if you can get the items more than once? I don't see how that makes a difference. All you guys do is complain about every little thing. I'd like to see you guys trying create/ run an app for thousands of people.
That is the whole point...it doesn't make a difference. People are simply giving feedback and their opinions. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.
I'm saying who cares though? The devs finally do something and people find something to bitch about it. I personally don't care how many of the same items I get or how many tries it takes to get an item. If I get it I get it. If I don't oh well lets do the party again.
people who spend money on the game, on DNs and ecs etc, obviously care. Everybody is entitled to have an opinion on the new 'changes' and express their views openly on this thread. Is it really such a big deal to you that people are doing so? I stated that I was glad the devs have paid attention to what people want. I believe their jobs must be challenging at times trying to please everyone, But was merely pointing out the flaws in the new changes. And stating I want my pro teevee Gimmie, gimmie, MR and MRS Devs pweeeease Ok I'm done. For now. I think.
I'm glad I worked my ass off getting those items/trophies when it was hard, just like when I opened all my dorms back when they were 15b-20b each for the last few. I guess I just need to learn my lesson; Work less and expect govt/ATA handouts. I forgot that I am ENTITLED to an easy life that's just handed to me without having to work for it.
I work my butt off on the parties. I don't ask for handouts. But when some body hits 20 times and I hit over 100 times (and this is done consistently) and I have not received an item in weeks, it kind if ruins the experience. Would prefer to see drops based in some merit.
Yes. Possibly the person, or top thee people, who hit the most is guaranteed an item and the rest is random... This will help with all those scoundrels who unload once and disappear for the rest of the party too!!! It could motivate them to actually help, therefore making the parties easier to complete, because if we all try some we won't have to depend on a few ppl trying really hard and a bunch of people hardly participating...
Concerning the points some have made about the items being harder to get now, I think we should think this through a bit more. I'm going to put my money on the fact that distribution of items is like a dice roll for every single player at the end of a party, they don't only dish out 10 awards at random. So giving out awards to users who already have them will not decrease your chances of getting one. It will just mean that more people have a chance at getting the rewards, like PimD said. And I would trust what they are telling us over an angry user guessing to try and make a point. And concerning the hate towards "why do we need more than one item?", I like this idea because I haven't lost my gamer's pride! If I can get two retro cameras now, then I can show that off in my showcase. On the other hand, it would be cool to gift them, but like someone said it would cost so much money to buy one from someone, an people would stop partying as much (which I like because I don't like wars). I think this is another good idea, PimD, so thank you! And thank you for all the recent updates, it shows you are still out there!
To all those who spend money for ec and dn and want to complain after when the pro party they did, "didnt drop an item" get over it. Firstly, you knew the risks of doing so and the chance of getting the items. Stop using the devs' threads as an excuse to complain about money lost. It was your decision and you knew the risks and consequences. So please stop bickering about it. Reading forums is now an uncomfortable thing to do because when the devs puts his ideas and opinions out, you all want to diss it and complain about something or the other. If you have issues, leave the game. Nobody is forcing you to spend money and waste your time, so stop blaming the devs. Rather just not use real money
Bottom line is that ata needs to start dropping some cold hard facts. Give us the numbers. What's the percentage chance of receiving a drop? Is there a limit to the number of items that drop? If so what is that limit? Does every member have the same chance? If I hit a party 1time do I have the same chance of receiving an item that some who hits a party 100 times? And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many unanswered questions that no one seems to know, or for that matter care to ask. How about an explanation of game mechanics? How about somthing usefull in the help section?How about you provide us with the numbers.
Want more revenues again? Why are your rules keep changing, pls be consistent like those other games in apple! Being a developers, do it with professionalism. Why make us like fools and cheat us and change your rules, adjustments as you wished? You are not respecting us as your valued players! Give a thought before you do your changes on anything, do not do it becoz of wanting more revenues and profits. You as developers only makes us lost faith and trust over ur game, that's why many left the game n ur ratings are going down! Why keep asking us to rate your game when you knew that ur game is losing ground. Do it like before how you all started this Pimd with integrity, professionalism n principles in make the right way to gain more revenues and profits from gaining your consumers trust. That's my only advise I can comment on how you do your game. Good luck.
finally however think there should be far more bonuses as it takes so long to gain enough to make any upgrades to dorms and everything and u start to lose interest in the game
The major issue is still that pro parties are TOO HARD! Smaller or even VIP clubs have no chance without heaps of bc and most clubs won't let mid/lower stats in to help or kick people out when someone bigger turns up. At the rate it's going, it's only going to lcbc and a lucky few with contacts that can get the pro party access in the first place.
Dervs, it's a wake up call for ur game! I've spent almost 60 Dns on pro parties n I only get a silver medal at the end of all parties that u had been to until I gave up partying! Now the main issue is; using 6 Dns n the party is completed and worst of all sine just join in last 20-30 mins without using any or much Dns ended up with awards. Pls be fair, we do the parties from the beginning when it started yet most of us got nothing! Why can't you, guys be fair that all will get their items when they had put in more time to party than those that just join in at the eleven hour and they gotten the items instead? This is totally uncalled for! Dns require money to buy unless you give us a daily of free 6dns like what you had been giving us daily 5 speakers, we will be very much appreciated with that and I believed that more ppl will buy more Dns when they had used up the free Dns not 6 maybe half will make everyone happy and for the sake if getting the parties completed they will definitely buy some extras to push the party they had attended to get the items they want. As in business, this is the real attraction to gain more revenues in the professional gimmicks and ideas how to promote your sales buy attracting more consumers when one is desperate, you will get them to spam Dns or credits when they really need it when necessarily to achieve their aim! Think for the long run, unless you guys are running a hit and run business that cheats consumers. Reminder, your games are all registered as ATA. Whoever, once bitten, twice shy. Thrice bitten all your games die! Have some integrity and provide us with good services for being thoughtful of us as your loyal gamers. Why gives us token appreciations whenever your servers are down or doing some maintenances. That's not a token but I will term them as compensations to us instead of making yourselves look kind and great. We are adults and are not easily fooled by your service recovery over your faults! Kindly do more better or advance steps on your programming as well as your future additions of more innovations by planning them in advance and not just do your adjustments and your new way of system calculations are totally stupid!