
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. I wish your pointless thread got locked
  2. Ikr.
  3. I hate you both
  4. You can hate me all you want.. but we all know you can tolerate sweet and beautiful, Slothie. ?
  5. Inb4ViagraGetsThePartyStarted
  6. Aweeee I love y’all both?

    Or u can start it
  7. Ew
  8. The thread title. My eyes, it burns
  9. Your jokes make even the worst comedians cringe.
  10. Mini why did you change names?
  11. There were people who thought that name meant "sweet and easily manipulated" so when I actually spoke to them they got upset and said "Wow I thought you were nice." so I changed it to Oni which is a Japanese yokai to fit my personality better.
    MiniMinx is now my alt
  12. You are sweet tho
  13. Shes mean af wym
  15. Ty useless club member
  16. Mini is very nice wym
  17. Tbh she isn't. She's tolerable tho
  18. You just haven’t seen Mini at her nicest