
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GodTierOni, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. You guys are nerds
  2. Thanks
  3. Shut up nerd
  4. She lubs you so much she's giving you cute food endearments, maddi. Like pumpkin or puddin pop
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. You look at some interesting stuff in your spare time, mini
  6. Education has no limits
  7. Education should have some limits. Like teaching outdated scientific theories like race theory and stuff.
  8. Wtf is race theory

    Edit: Wait nvm I bet it has to do with racism
  9. The theory of races
  10. So is this to prove u r not mini or what?
  11. I think it’s more like the insult thread except there’s no prize and you’re making up rumors.
  12. We all know it’s mini...
    Ppl are really dumb if they don’t see the name change which is not my problem
  13. No not at all
    shut up vegan
  14. Degenerate
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. Hillbilly
  16. Says you
  17. I wish this thread would get locked