Mineral Pal Names (Pet)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bbg, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. *Is sad nao*
  2. ILY
  3. Rocky Balboa

  4. my rock is on his way through schooling to become a Dr. Rocktapus
  5. Y'all notice the background for the pet has ._. as a pattern?
  6. I thought that was a pretty cute touch
  7. rOcKLAHOMA 
  8. My pet rock is named Chris.?
  9. Null Nugget ?
  10. Beryl! It's a kind of mineral, and also kind of reminds me of Meryl.
  11. And just a "style".
  12. Rock the Rock ?
  13. Top level name ?
  14. Pebbles Flinstone
  15. Pillow 
  16. Mine's Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Cannon, I couldn't fit another Armstrong there... Oh yeah and the name's stolen 3:)