Military Life.

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Mikeyy, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. That's you mikey?
    I never woulda expected it.
    That's amazing.
    (in a good way)

    *uttery speechless at the intensity of it all*
  2. Yupp that's my life as a Marine. So far :) I wonder if I could post about stuff I've already been through.. Like my patrols and reconnaissance missions.. What do you guys think?
  3. I hate talking about what I do, and have done..

    Go for it, i'm interested :)
  4. I hate talking about most things I've done. But I can tell some stories that are okay, some I don't think I can share
  5. Go ahead, your life stories may inspire others not to commit suicide or something o_O
  6. I'm hoping that's what they can do..
  7. The marines remind me of avatar... ( blue monkeys
  8. Lol I assure you I'm no blue monkey
  9. Like said in the Unofficial PIMD News Thread I'm willing to answer any and every question you may have for me! Wether it is about my hardships, my adventures, or the Military. Don't hesitate! 
  10. On the very first page (sorry imma bit slow with forums somtimes>.<!) You mention matthew reily? bloody excellent Aussie author! his books are amazing! i read one of his books (hover car racer) in one night, the whole night i spent up reading it! His Scarecrow books are the best
  11. Awesome!great insight
  12. To become a marine u need to go to bootcamp for 13 weeks. Any self respecting marine would never say he joined the army if he was in fact a marine.
  13. I did infact join the army. I was scouted by my Marine Recruiting Officer Lt. Steven Myers. He scouted me out of basics for my test scores in all of my Weapons Training.
  14. Join the USCG!! 

    Keep up the good work Mikeyy!! 
  15. Haha! That's Hun! P.s. s"weet" Heart hahahaha
  16. Thank* 
  17. Why r you confused?
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