MESSAGES! **Game**

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HEY, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. I'm not sure how it does...but interesting. Thanks for that insight.
  2. I dont like the -_ in your name
  3. Didn't know I cried. And your nf was dry because I don't farm without a reason
  4. ?he thinks he isn't interesting and that in itself is interesting.
  5. Its interesting that you thought it was interesting enough to say it was interesting
  6. You're 0/1 D. Why quit at 1 loss?
  7. Why farm over bs? When this is a game you apparently can't follow the rules with
  8. I must have overlooked the PIMD rule book. My bad.
  9. Its the only rule of this thread?
  10. Soul  i like the llll in your name
  11. Athena. I like how you have 3 consonants and 3 vowels in your name.
  12. Is that Morse code in your status, or were you just that bored?
  13. Did you join ROTP specifically because the letters RP are in the tag?
  14.  your name I always read as slow motion
  15. If you say your name, it's exactly how it would sound if Mike Tyson said "I seen a... "
  16. I seen your name a couple times but I just noticed its not Slow motion..
  17. It seems you have a kiss on your wall
  18. You've got a bunch of ? on your wall
  19. You've got a green dot on your name
  20. i dont know you but you should add me?