Sprung over someone I hadn't talked to in more than a year ? yep makes sense lol. I should be thanking you tho, when you mentioned her last time I sent her a pm and she replied. First time I'd talked to her since Oct 2016. Thanks to you. ?
I am still confuzzled. Nobody asked for the assumption of your age, or your race. Ooooooooo my god, I get you jaco. You are a sly fox eyy Letting all the girls know what you are and around what age you are, so you can pixle bone. I understand you now ))))) honestly a sly move there. Also, drugs are used as a medical treatment. Yet they are good, but the amount is bad never do more than what the doctor told you ok?
Anyway, if I'm ever too much or cross the line or like legit hurt your feelings, Jaco, lemme know. I like banter but last thing I wanna be is a bully or the reason someone is depressed or decides to take their life. So dont be afraid to lemme know when I've gone too far, believe it or not I'm a caring person irl. And this is something I tell everyone I engage in banter with so dont flatter yourself either. If you cant keep up with me, speak up k.
You and Jopo do realize dat I've video chatted wit people on here before, right? Or maybe, you assumed I didn't, idk and idc. I've been in group chats as well. What you're doing is false information, slander, disruption, and causing a disturbance.
Just putting it out there in case I ever come off strong when I'm having a bad day. Cuz I have those and I'm not as nice as I usually am when it happens.
lol yeah, forreal. I've chatted with many ppl here. Videochatted too. No one cares that I've done it.