Merc Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CrazyReD, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Wish I can wake up my Neutralize family ?
  2. I don't understand wars :cry: just a party fairy here :( But warring sounds interesting :)
  3. Sound fun.…
  4. They suck and are very boring most of the time you're not really missing out on anything
  5. Last time I was part of War Merc Club it ended up in drama

    Anyways full support
  6. support support
  7. Support , I'm down to war also . Lmk when this is going to take place please & thank you
  8. Support suppoort 
  10. Sign me in ?
  11. ?? always full of good ideas our Redzy.
  12. Support. I'm sure many old school players will enjoy a war. And would be great to get the new school players in to warring too. Get the adrenalin pumping again and hit someone instead of hitting the party buttons.
  13. What he said?
  14. I'm not an old school player but I do fully support this and if you need any help in doing this just ask and I will do my best to help
  15. I'd like to help if possible ?
  16. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  17. We could have wars during hunts too.
  18. There's already tons of new players like myself that war alot, but yes introducing more would be great.