Merc Group

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ltachi, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. I'm definitely in, i love wars. Any time i'm not needed to help my VT fam i'm available for war. I plan on uging steadily too so you'll have a growing member lol, and obviously if bells is in there are others of us that are down for it! Great idea OP 
  2. Put me down... i do love my wars but i will not change my tags tho lol
  3. I am in if no name change 
    Love war
  4.  I'm in too! Either this account or my 220ish kcs alt 
  5. I'm game to war tell me when
  6. but i dont wanna change my name sorry
  7. I don't think he's saying it would be like a club where you would need a tag because you'd all belong to different clubs. Just a combination of people to get together to war. So you wouldn't need to change name anyways....unless you wanna do barcode like he says or change it to my name like he did so you can confuse everyone 
  8. Cherry is right.

    It's not gonna be a club. Just a group of people that will merc together when available.

    You dont have to change your name, it was just an idea.
  9. Kinda like Death Row Mercs lol
  10. Kinda I suppose.

    More like the Dolls.
  11. I'll do it cherry
  12. O i didnt read nvm
  13. im in idk bout name change but is a good way to confuse them
  14. I'd join:) I'm staying at 40kcs for the most part xD op during the beta wars with my T4 crew I currently have 10kcs from lower tiers that I would drop during a war to be able to get high plunder and I know how to hit for top plunder