men working debate

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed1569, May 3, 2019.

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  1. Who the heck thought it would be a good idea to allow people to voice their opinions here smh
  2. Still never claimed anyone is a ràpist. Associating hostile and ràpe is your doing, not mine. And no, was about saftey.
  3. first of all a public store and bathroom are two completely different things. you’re not sharing a stall with other people in a bathroom are you? just how the workers aren’t in the fitting room stalls watching you get undressed.
  4. the context was about sexual assault wasn’t it? you were the one who associated hostility to assault by comparing men to dogs
  5. Honestly this isn’t even the worst case of “opinions gone wrong” on here. It’s pretty mild.
  6. It was about sèxual harassment ergo not assult. The original quote was about snakes. Why tf would you open a door for snakes in hope that some of them would not be poisonous, I was avoiding trolls. Did not associate men as dogs. Was supposed to be something everyone could interact/is familiar with (aka not snakes).
  7. Lets ignore this and keep arguing
  8. I’m opposed to it.
  9. Grow up!
  10. This thread has gone beyond the scope of what OP was asking, and become a hostile attack on genders rather than a reasonable discussion. Locking. ??
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