Monthly Timer Box Introducing, for the first time ever, Monthly Timer Boxes: March Edition! This new addition will be making its way onto the Prize Spinner and have a chance of dropping the following: ☞ March Avatars ☞ Almost all of March's spinner stat items (more details below!) ☞ Current event LITE Boxes (will update with each new hunts!) ☞ Doctor's Notes The March Timer Box will be available from the Prize Spinner exclusively! The content inside this Timer Box will be available until noon PST on April 1st. Avatar These cozy, rainy day babes are exclusively available through: ☞ March Timer Boxes ☞ The Store for 50 ECs per Avi Furniture Winter might be nearing its end, but furry throws and hot tea still have a place in my heart <3 Available through the Furniture Store and the Winter Furniture Box! Spinner This month's spinner items have a little bit of a twist to them! First, off there are 5 items to collect instead of the usual quartet this time around! The following 4 combination items will be available exclusively through the March Timer Boxes: Wee Sweatband [stats]5,000/5,000[/stats] Stack of Crackers [stats]5,000/5,000[/stats] Purple Hamster Wheel [stats]5,000/5,000[/stats] Tiny Water Bottle [stats]5,000/5,000[/stats] While the 5th item below will available directly through the Prize Spinner: Hamigo the Hamster [stats]5,000/5,000[/stats] Collect 5 of each item to have them automatically combine into... Fitness Lover Hamigo [stats]200,000/200,000[/stats] Available throughout March until noon PST on April 1st, 2019!
So am I reading this right? Have they taken the spinner items away and stuck them in a timer box? So you have to choose between hunt timer boxes or getting spinner items? Have I been hoarding spins for no reason now?