Meeting Him

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri_, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. -Alexs pov-

    Waaah I can't tell him my swimsuits is ripped from the front!!

    I rapped my hands tighter around Simons neck. My heart is beating non stop I feel as if I'm going to burst.

    "Alex" I heard Simon saying,
    "Uh, wha.. What?" why did I stutter stupid me.
    "Your swimsuit?" she asked,
    "Uh,, it... It... got ri... ri... ripp... ripped" I answered as I felt my cheeks burn as I lowered my head.
    "RIPPED" he yelled really loud as he untangled my hands around his neck and turned and faced me. "Where?" he asked.

    I felt people starring at us, I quickly lowered my shoulders under the water "Si... Simon can you no.. not yell plea... please peop... people are looking." I begged.

    "Alex, where did it get ripped so I can get you something else to wear" he asked

    "I..... I don't want to... to show you" I argued as I covered my chest with my hands. ()

    "Oh, come on Alex, I'm not interested in small things" he smirked.

    "Sma.... small things" I replied in a 'oh no he didn't ' tone. "I'm a proud c-cupped lady" I said in a confident tone, as the attention from people became larger.
    "Are you calling that big?" he chucked.

    "shut up" I pouted as I turned my gaze to the sky "I'm not your friend anymore" I said as I stuck my tongue out.
  2. Omg I just read your story it's amazing omg please keep updating it
  3. Hahaha thanks
  4. -Simons pov-

    "Shut up" Alex pouted as she turned her gaze to the sky "I'm not your friend anymore" she said as she stuck her tongue out.

    "Your not my friend anymore?" I pouted joking around, heh she looked so cute when she pouted...... What am I thinking. She's not cute, she's adorable........ Uh I'm going crazy here.

    "I... I am not your friend, because you called me sm.. small, I'm not small" she answered while she slowly release her hands from covering her chest.

    "But... but I thought we were going to become bestfriends? " I tried to imitated her. "Don't worry maybe when you hit puberty you'll develop a little more" ahaha I chuckled.

    "Your mean, that's why you don't have any friends" she stuck her small cherry colored tung out of her red juicy lips.... Uh here I go again what am I thinking.

    "Alex" I paused "I have more friends then you ever will" I answered.

    "No you don't, no one wants to be friends with a meanie, and your a big meanie" she said.

    "A meanie?" I laughed "is that the best comeback you got" I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

    "Wow, you got a great smile" Alex said out of the blue "smile again, smile again" she repeated while grabbing my shoulders and bringing her face towards mine.

    Her brown eyes where shining more than the sun, her huge smile smudged on her face, her deep dimples, her pinky cheeks.

    I grabbed her chin with my left arm and pulled her face towards mine and slowly kissed her soft, strawberry flavored lips.
  5. -Alex's pov-

    Simon grabbed my chin very gently with his left arm and pulled my face towards his and slowly kissed my lips. I couldn't breath, my heart started to speed up and it hurt my chest.

    But his lips were so warm and his kiss was gentle, I tried to push his chest away so I could breath, as I brought the air in he pushed his lips on top of mine again.

    "Si.." I tried to say his name "Can't" I panted "breath" I said as I tried to pull back from his lips.

    "I dont care" he answered as he pulled my body closer to his while he pushed his lips against mine.

    I felt my face turn into a tomato, it felt like my lungs won't working, how long can someone not breath for oh my gosh, this guys a beast.

    I pushed Simon of me "I hate you" I said as I tried to get away from him, I felt my warm tears about to release.

    "ahaha don't tell me that was your first kiss" he chuckled as I stopped and faced the water.
  6. Bumpz  amazing story  loving this 
  7.  Blump 
  8. Thanks everyone  ill update when my tests finish 
  9. -Simons pov-

    "ahaha don't tell me that was your first kiss" I chuckled as I saw Alex stoping and faced the water.

    Wha..... "Alex" I said as I saw her crying "I, I didn't mean that" I said as I put my arms around her and brought her towards me. "Don't cry Alex" I asked.

    "No, it's..... It's right" she paused "your right, that...... that was my... my fir... first ki... ki..... kiss" she stuttered as she put her soft hands on my chest trying to push me away,

    "I'm sorry" I apologized as I let go of her." Do you want to go and eat something" I asked her, as she modded "What do you want to eat?" I asked.

    "Chocolate ice cream" she cheered, shes so childish, heh I guess that's what makes her this unique.... I'm seriously, uh what am I thinking, this girl was crying five minutes ago and it was my fault.

    "Simon!!" I herd Alex yell as I realized she was heading back to the sand.

    "ALEX STOP!!" I screamed as she turned around, she swimsuit was ripped, did this idiot forget about that.

    I looked at her face, she looked confused, as my eyes were analyzing her swimsuit, my eyes were caught by her.

    "What are you looking at?" she asked as she looked down and remembered her suit was ripped "PERVERT!" she yelled.

    "Shut up" I said as I grabbed her wrist and headed towards the beach swim suit shop.
  10. Continue it it's amazing
  11.  Blump. This was quit funny.
  12. quite* whoops.