Hey I will update soon but if you want or bored read my other story called 'my kids' it's in page 3 now but might be in page 4later
-Alex's pov- "uhhh, what time is it?" I shifted my head slowly towards my left and looked towards my green round clock which was on my light green wall. "7:23"..........."7:23 UH IM GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I quickly got of my bed and ran to my rooms bathroom. "MUM!!!! WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP??" I screamed while getting undressed. "I did, someone decided not to wake up" she laughed "SH!T, now I'm going to be late hurry up, you have to leave the house by eight and you have to be at school by 8:30" she said as she began to fix my bed. By this time I was in the shower, I quickly picked up my apple flavored shampoo and started to do my hair. "Mum" I yelled "get my school clothes ready, and make me a sandwich please." -4 minutes later- I got out of the bathroom wearing my spider-mans towel around my body. I ran towards my bed which was done and had my school uniform on it. I really like my school uniform, it was a grey skirt which reached your knees but all the girls wore it towards their their, which I really hate cause like while going up they have to hold their ass so no one see's under their skirt, but like if you don't want people to look under your skirt wear a pair of black short shorts, that's what I do. A white button up shirt and a red tie, if you wanted you could wear a grey blazer or jumper, I always wore my jumper cause I couldn't afford the blazer besides I like the jumper more. "Alex are you done?" mum yelled from down stairs "yeah, I just need to dry my hair, have you made my sandwich? I want it to have that yummy sandwich you made last week" I said as I finished putting on my black school shoes and walked to the bathroom to dry my hair. "You mean the ham and salad one?" mum questioned "uh yeah" I said before I turned on the hair dryer. I bent my back, which made my face looking towards my stomach and began hair drying. I usually dry my hair like this because I don't know how to blow dry hair, maybe cause my mum usually does it for me. I finished blow drying it and I got my back up straight again. My hair was straight, perfect blow dryer right here haha but even if I didn't blow dry it, it would still go back to straight. I looked closer in the mirror and smiled "perfecto" I cheered as I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. "Mum, you done with my sandwich?" I asked as I looked at her. "Yeah, it's near the door, so when we leave just take it" she smiled, naw I love my mummy, I walked towards her and gave her a hug. I then walked towards the door, picked up my sandwich and popper (drink) and placed them inside my bag. "Mummy, hurry up, I think I'm late" I said as I opened the door and stood outside. I walked towards my mums car and looked back at the door which my mother was getting out off. "it's 8:18am" mum said as she locked the house door and walked towards her green car, I know half our stuff are green, it's because green is my mums and my favorite color. "wait what, hurry mum I only have twelve minutes or I'm going to be late !!!" I said while getting into the car. thanks for reading everyone can you ask more people to read this? I dont know why maybe it will motivate me into writing quicker than again love you readers