Medevial Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Percyous, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Dante: -laugh-my life is sweet because I don't have to follow rules from anyone not even from the king
  2. Karina: "Diana"
    Katrina: *doesn't answer her sister*
  3. Katrina: "well ok that part is pretty cool"
  4. Dante: it is but it's lonesome sometimes
  5. Katrina: "at least you get something out of it"
  6. Dante: not really because I have to make sure no one kills me
  7. Angel -Goes to the market-
  8. Annabeth:-walks around-
    Ava:-walks with annabeth-
  9. Colin: -goes to a bar-
  10. Please try my story My Life After Death Mwahh! Thank you and goodbye!!
  11. No advertising on my thread!
  12. Colin: -orders a beer-