Medevial Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Percyous, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Dante: he did and he gave me permission to stay on his kingdom as long as I live outside of his kingdom
  2. Katrina: "I have a few rouge friends....I was seeing one at night but that was until my sister made me make the promise."
  3. Dante: Well I guess she doesn't think of me as a friend now does she-laugh-
  4. Katrina: "She'd thank you if she could but no she wouldn't...she didn't even approve of my liking a rouge...always trying to act like she's queen"
  5. Dante: I used to be a royal but my decisions turned everyone against me leading to my parents death and my daughter
  6. Katrina: "That's terrible...."
  7. Dante: hehe but whatever I'm living a great life now,I don't have to follow rules from no one not even the king
  8. Interesting how few people cared.......
  9. (I do I just was getting ready for double sessions in the morning)
  10. Katrina: "Eh that's interesting"
  11. Dante: life is sweet I guess
  12. Katrina: "Sweet but it can be cruel"
  13. Dante: why?
  14. Katrina: "warfare, death, even more than just that, but in the rest of the time it can be sweet it's not every day that life will be kind to you"
  15. Colin: -sits on his throne-