Max Plunder debacle (May 2020)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, May 10, 2020.

  1. I said this in a PM to you, but I'll share on forums too. I think it is a visual glitch. I'm curious to see @Addiction restart his app after he hires the second tutor, and then hit the party. For example, when I hire/exchange a new dormmate, I need to restart my app to see my stats actually change. He might need to restart his app to see his plunder change.
    Dead, Voseph and Day like this.
  2. That's happening to me too and I didn't get any hires taken away, if anything I've hired more!
  3. What's my Max Plunder?
  4. Mp is a noob problem. We try to keep members up to par with this very simple fix
  5. Your 200b tut makes you at least up to mp. Never hurts to exceed the $15b/1mcs of common dorm build
    Kanudo786 likes this.
  6. does that mean for every 1mc you need 15b of tuts? cuz that’s how i learned it
  7. Correct.
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  8. Thank you for help🙂💞
  9. Still happening
  10. A lot of glitches are like that, lol. I've been having to restart to see my stats change since I started playing 2.5 years ago.
    Dead likes this.