March Mayhem

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. What is a cloudpaca
  2. Weren't they talking about the avatars tho :cry: cause I'd have to agree with them on the Saint Patricks guy one tbh guy avis are getting more sissy every hunt but yet I still collect them 'cause well there's nothing better to do on here than hunt :lol:
  3. ^ sorry not every dude on earth is a "manly man" and diversity exists lmfao
  4. Marco side story people are completing within a day, getting Alexa's avatars within a day, leaving nothing for everyone to do who isn't going for leaderboard. I'm thinking/hoping there's actually more to this hunt and that it comes out soon. This is a really long hunt at almost 3 weeks with very little to do so far.
  5. why cant i even win a avi in the boxes and some other Hunt boxes too
  6. Wow another hunt focused on the flash cats. Thanks ata.
  7. Lolol 8th comment
  8. Is there supposed to be another side story coming out later or?
  9. I'm just curious to know if ATA got permission from the Owner of the OKC Thunder to use the team's likeness in this game.
    I'm going to bet they didn't. And I also know the Owner of the Thunder wouldn't be happy to find out. ?
  10. Nobody asked
  11. It says avi are 48s and 12i...but mine say 45s and 15i...
  12. Maybe you should file a lawsuit for them
  13. Why so cereal?
  14. A) Sooo... you're whining about ATA yet you're still using the Avi. Makes sense.

    B) There are ton of things in this game that using likeness. However there is something called "satire/parody distinction laws" that allows it.
  15. Anyone know what gift for Quinn Side Story? Or just only one stage?
  16. Lol. I'm not even whining. I'm just curious.
    Get your panties out of your bum hole. They're starting to suffocate your brain.
  17. ^ preach
  18. Same
  19. Where can I find the thundersticks
  20. The story avatars are bogus keep these y'all are advertising