Malice in Wonderland

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. Oh my gosh my thought EXACTLY! I guess people only meant avis from years back...
  2. Is there no side hunt available yet? Or is my phone being weird?
  3. I have this hunts 499 for sale wmos
  4. Oh. Wow. Recycled avas. Meh.
  5. Ah yes. The two genders.

    Axe and Bat.
  6. Aren't any more avis? For getting enough roses for example?
  7. not yet
  8. yes at 6k roses
  9. this hunt instantly reminded me of alice madness returns ?
  10. I love love love this so much
  11. ?????????????BUYING AXES WITH BENTOS WMO????????????????
  12. Hm for each party??
  13. Oh shite love this
  14. The avis at 6k have an “Alice” one
  15. Really I don't like ur ghosting effect on old avi ..
  16. Actually, I just finished collecting all 300 axes for my avi. Doesn't take long if you focus on it mostly while still doing normal tasks such as hitting a party, selling furniture, etc.
  17. Actually, some players requested a way to get old avis so they're just trying to make us happy to continue playing the game.
  18. i love creepy hunts
  19. Where is the poster?
  20. I think Alice in wonderland was a good pick for Halloween hunt. I like the Ava's in the hunt and the furniture looks awesome!